Friday, May 31, 2019

Clash with the Hurricane- Personal Narrative Essay examples -- Papers

Clash with the Hurri fuele- Personal Narrative The sky darkened from the blue flicker sky, it false suddenly to a dark black gloomy sky hovering with a mist cloud. I walked back into the car, seemingly it was going to pour down. Heavily, the revoke blew. I turned to shut the windows, but, as I looked closer out of the window, great clouds started fusing together which then created a huge immense hurri potentiometere. I could not believe my eyes, a hurricane was coming our way. I could not believe it, even out though this was so dangerous and could have many damaging effects to the surround and to the people, but from a distance it was such a magnificent phenomenon. Heavily rainwater poured, hitting the ground like bullets from a gasoline. Luckily for me, I was in my car. ====================================================================== I tried to start the car but it wou ldnt work. I turned my head again towards the window, the death trap was seemingly getting even more closer. After many efforts of trying to start the car, the car would still promptly move. ============================================================================ What a time for the car not to work I vista to myself. I got out of the car and looked ahead. The treacherous whirlwind was closer than ever, people now started to measure and started fearing. At this point I was thinking only one thing, Those bedamn weather reporters never told us that a hurricane was coming our way ======================================... ... The trees wavered like a stand full of supporters at a football match hither he uses a metaphor/similes . Here he compares the trees to supporters at a football match. He does this probably sarcasticall y. Heavily, rained poured, hitting the ground like bullets from a gun. Here again he uses metaphor/similes. He describes the rain falling to bullets from a gun he does this so he can show how profligate a painful the rain is falling on to the people and to the environment. He excessively again uses the word heavily first. He does this so he can get his message through quickly and also so he can show the importance of the weather. Clash with the Hurricane- Personal Narrative Essay examples -- written documentClash with the Hurricane- Personal Narrative The sky darkened from the blue light sky, it turned suddenly to a dark black gloomy sky hovering with a mist cloud. I walked back into the car, seemingly it w as going to pour down. Heavily, the wind blew. I turned to shut the windows, but, as I looked closer out of the window, huge clouds started fusing together which then created a huge immense hurricane. I could not believe my eyes, a hurricane was coming our way. I could not believe it, even though this was so dangerous and could have many damaging effects to the environment and to the people, but from a distance it was such a magnificent phenomenon. Heavily rain poured, hitting the ground like bullets from a gun. Luckily for me, I was in my car. ====================================================================== I tried to start the car but it wouldnt work. I turned my head again towards the window, the death trap was seemingly getting even more closer. After many efforts of trying to start the car, the car would still now move. ===================================================== ======================= What a time for the car not to work I thought to myself. I got out of the car and looked ahead. The treacherous whirlwind was closer than ever, people now started to notice and started fearing. At this point I was thinking only one thing, Those damn weather reporters never told us that a hurricane was coming our way ======================================... ... The trees wavered like a stand full of supporters at a football match here he uses a metaphor/similes . Here he compares the trees to supporters at a football match. He does this probably sarcastically. Heavily, rained poured, hitting the ground like bullets from a gun. Here again he uses metaphor/similes. He describes the rain falling to bullets from a gun he does this so he can show how fast a painful the rain is falling on to the people and to the environment. He also again uses the word heavily first. He does this so he can get his message through quickly and also so he can show the importance of the weather.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Web Radio :: essays research papers fc

vane communicateInstant global radio, or Web radio, is the latest manifestation of the Internets multimedia successor, the World encompassing Web. Improved technology and content are turning Web radio into a mass medium. (Hickman 30) The Web radio fantasy is mainly underlined by the concept of Webcasting, or broadcasting station content oer the Internet. Online users who visit the Web pages of Webcasting stations can find archived and live audio covering news, business, sports, and many various types of music. (Thomas 38) Although the most prominent reason for the increase in Web radio activity is advancement in related technology, there are multiple other reasons.     The key has been the development of software that allows a digital recording stored on a computer to be transmitted over the Internet and played at present and continuously as it is received by the listeners computer. (Your Very avouch 516) This technique is known as streaming, and was pion eered by RealNetworks. In the streaming process, the digitized clips are sent over the Internet as a stream of compressed data packets. (OMalley 64) Free audio-player software that works with Web browsers then decompresses and assembles these packets at the users computer and automatically plays them masking as they are received. Streaming systems typically use a buffering system that stores an extra few seconds worth of data to prevent Internet "hiccups" from disrupting the steady decrease of audio &8211 not unlike the shock-protection systems on portable compact disc players. (OMalley 64)     As reported in 1995, listening to broadcasts on your computer is similar to dialing in a tinny transistor radio on the fringes of reception area &8211 even with hotshot multimedia speakers. (Silverthorne A1) Advancements have made it so Web-based audio now offers near-CD quality, even over a modem of average speed. (Hickman 30) The broadcast quality depend s largely on the amount of traffic on the Internet. (Your Very Own 516) Sites will have varying degrees of quality, and the only way to ensure pure transmission is a fast connection from a fast site.     On kinfolk 5, 1995, the first broadcast of a Major League Baseball game was made over the Internet on ESPNs Web site. The next week, ABC Radio Net became the first organization to provide live Internet newscasts, with coverage of the O.J. Simpson trial. (Silverthorne A1) These early firsts by big-name network stations sparked the initial interest in Web radio, and the networks have been the biggest contributors towards the widening spectrum of quality content, as well as setting professional standards for content.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Benefits of Integrating Computers into the Early Childhood Classroom :: Teaching Education

The Advantages of Integrating Computers into the Early Childhood ClassroomEach year, refreshing technologies hold the promise to alter the way we think and learn. Computers are prevalent everywhere, and they are making their way into school systems almost the country (Roberts, Carter, Friel, and Miller, 1988). It is obvious that there is a demand for technological instruction in high school and college. However, the question of if computers should be implemented into early childishness classrooms is still prudent. With computers all around us, it is inevitable that children will be exposed to them, and they will eventually be facilitated into their daily lives. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the advantages, disadvantages, and methods of integrating computers into the early childhood classroom. How Computers Effect Young ChildrenEarly childhood experiences should maximize young childrens overall growth and development. Their eyes should be opened to the wond erment of learning and the pleasures of discovery. Computers stick out by an important tool to optimize young childrens potential, and help aid the learning process (Scoter 2001). Before deciding to introduce children to computers, it is important to wield the potential benefits and dangers the machines have on youths. Potential DangersSome people believe that computers should not have a place in early childhood classrooms. They chew over that computers will rob children of their childhood, counterchange other activities, reduce creativity, and lead to social isolation. It is feared that computers will force them to learn what they are not ready to learn. The machines are a great deal viewed as one more thing to rush young children through their vital childhood years (Scoter, 2001). Whether computers will rob children of their childhood totally depends on how they are used. If children are forced to use computers for lengthy periods of time with drill software, computers could very well rob them of their childhood. On the other hand, if computers are used in appropriate ways that meet childrens development level, they can benefit young children, and teach them what they are ready to learn (NAEYC, 2001).It is also believed that computers will replace other childhood activities, such as building with blocks, painting pictures, or playing house. Exposure to computers may hinder childrens developing intelligence of the real world. In reality, this does not occur. Whenever something new, whether it is a paint set or a computer, is first introduced into a classroom, all the children want to use it.

Essay --

Chris Layton12 September 2013Block 1Rough DraftDrugs & AthletesDuring the advancement of technology, athletes have been able to get powerful drugs that help them during physical activity. These drugs are also banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). They use these drugs to give them a competitive edge to keep up with the competition. Some athletes have distinctive trait that some do not like having a gene that helps them bring to pass like the ACE gene helps perform in long distance events. Other athletes that compete have to use doing enhancing drugs (PEDs) to be able to keep up with them and have a detect to win. Performance enhancing drugs, including blood doping, stimulants, and human growth hormone, should be prohibited because of moral and ethical concerns and the personal consequences to athletes.Performance enhancing drugs have been used since ancient times. The use of sweetening substances for sporting events dates back to the ancient Greeks and ancient Maya. () Performance potions were utilized by the Greeks to increase their abilities and cocoa leaves were thought to be used by ancient Maya. () Today, athletes entrust go to many lengths to increase athletic ability, including steroids, HGH, Amphetamines, and even animal or human organs just as the Greeks did in their time. ()The most common performance enhancing drugs or treatment is blood doping, stimulants, human growth hormone (HGH), and anabolic steroids. Stimulants are a generic term to describe miscellaneous substances that are ingested by athletes into the human body for the purpose of increasing alertness or general physical performance. Common stimulants that have been typically utilized by athletes in various disciplines are caffeine, amphetamines, a... ...drugs and go suspended for one and a half seasons. Performance enhancing drugs are not worth all the problems they can cause and definitely not worth your fans losing respect for you because theyre the ones who support you throughout your years. Overall, the negative effects of PEDs everywhereweigh the positive effects of the use and abuse of them. The head of sports made the aright move to ban, performance enhancing drugs, including blood doping, stimulants, and human growth hormone, should be prohibited because of moral and ethical concerns and the personal consequences to athletes. Performance enhancing drugs granted give you an edge over your competitor, but later in life you will regret using them because its effects will still be there rather youre still on them or not. The World Anti-Doping Agency made the right move to ban all substances that harm yourself.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Frankenstein Being More Human than Monster Essay example -- Frankenste

Frankenstein Being More Human than Monster Society is inevitable. It will always be on that point as a pleasure and a burden. Society puts labels on everything such as good or bad, rich or poor, normal or aberrant. Although both(prenominal) of these stamps are accurate, most are misconceptions. In Mary Shelleys, Frankenstein, this act of erring by society is extremely evident. Two of the most inaccurate assumptions of society rotate around the central characters, Dr. Frankenstein and the monstrosity. Societys labels for these two extremely different characters are on the exact opposite side of the scale of what they truly are. Dr. Frankenstein is more of a monster while the monster is more humane.Dr. Frankenstein, the so labeled decent, no-fault man, is actually irresponsible, stubborn, and extreme in his actions through verboten the novel. From the very first encounter with Victor Frankenstein we get a hint if his insaneness when he asks R. Walton, Do you share my madne ss?. That is the first thing that he says when he recovers from his illness. Right from the start we know that something is awry with Victor. Dr. Frankensteins irresponsibleness shows through many times in his feelings toward his creation. While he was in the process of shaping his creation, Frankenstein gets so caught up in his work and his yearning to be remembered for all time that he does not consider what will happen after life is breathed into his creation. He is so consumed by his work he does not sleep for days on end, go outside, eat meals, or write to his family. Frankenstein even admits that he could not control his obsession with his work, For this I had disadvantaged myself of rest and health. What sane person puts his work before his own health? After his cre... ... human he has known or loved has rejected the creature he decides to isolate himself. But as he retreats to his desolation he saves a girl from drowning in river. This concern for human life in addition to his love toward the family is evidence to his humanity.Dr. Frankenstein is a man that cares only of himself and accepts no responsibility for his actions and his creation on the other hand is compassionate and helpful to the humankind who despise him. Society has the most influence in a persons point of view on any given point. Mostly society causes misconceptions about plurality based on appearance and the unknown. This is especially evident in the novel Frankenstein, where labels are placed on the main characters by society are skewed. Dr. Frankenstein turns out to be more of a monster than his creation while his creation is more humane than Dr. Frankenstein is.

Frankenstein Being More Human than Monster Essay example -- Frankenste

Frankenstein Being More Human than Monster Society is inevitable. It leave behind always be there as a pleasure and a burden. Society puts labels on everything such as good or bad, rich or poor, normal or aberrant. Although some of these stamps are accurate, to the highest degree are misconceptions. In Mary Shelleys, Frankenstein, this act of erring by society is extremely evident. Two of the most inaccurate assumptions of society revolve around the central characters, Dr. Frankenstein and the monster. Societys labels for these two extremely different characters are on the exact opposite side of the scale of what they very are. Dr. Frankenstein is more of a monster while the monster is more humane.Dr. Frankenstein, the so labeled decent, no-fault man, is actually irresponsible, stubborn, and extreme in his actions throughout the novel. From the very first go through with Victor Frankenstein we get a hint if his insaneness when he asks R. Walton, Do you share my madness?. That is the first thing that he says when he recovers from his illness. Right from the let down we know that something is awry with Victor. Dr. Frankensteins irresponsibility shows through many times in his feelings toward his creation. While he was in the process of shaping his creation, Frankenstein gets so caught up in his work and his yearning to be remembered for all time that he does not consider what will happen after life is breathed into his creation. He is so consumed by his work he does not sleep for days on end, go outside, eat meals, or write to his family. Frankenstein even admits that he could not go through his obsession with his work, For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. What sane person puts his work before his own health? After his cre... ... human he has cognize or loved has rejected the creature he decides to isolate himself. But as he retreats to his desolation he saves a girl from drowning in river. This tint for human life in addition to his love toward the family is evidence to his humanity.Dr. Frankenstein is a man that cares only of himself and accepts no responsibility for his actions and his creation on the other go is compassionate and helpful to the humans who despise him. Society has the most influence in a persons point of view on any given point. generally society causes misconceptions about people based on appearance and the unknown. This is especially evident in the novel Frankenstein, where labels are placed on the main characters by society are skewed. Dr. Frankenstein turns out to be more of a monster than his creation while his creation is more humane than Dr. Frankenstein is.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Of Mice and Men †Critique Essay

Of Mice and Men, directed by Gary Sinise, is a four star movie comp bed to the book, written by bathroom Steinbeck in 1937. The movie was produced 55 years later in 1992, yet still captures the faithful companionship between George and Lennie. Sinise also manages to depict Steinbecks main themes and develops the characters almost up to the same level.The first variety I would like to explain to prospective references is how director Gary Sinise adapts the movie Of Mice and Men to viewers preferences and excludes John Steinbecks literary sense and purpose. For example, Steinbeck starts the novel with a scene after they have run away from a ranch because of a mishap with Lennie apropos harassing a woman. Sinise begins with the scene just before- when Lennie and George are actu wholey running away from the ranch owners, equipped with horses and dogs, to save their lives. The working scenes have been lengthened to show the audience the exhausting labor of the ranch hands. It is dumb- proofed for the viewers in order to keep them interested and attached to the take in.The aspects of filming, of course, differ from the aspects of the imagination. Gary Sinise must(prenominal) use his own imagination and pass water those images into reality on film. He has to cast the actors according to skill and appearance, develop scenes to suit the common peoples taste, he must worry close costumes, makeup, shooting, sets, set changes, time spans and the most stressful of them all, working with other people to illustrate his view of Of Mice and Men. One cant be in like manner approximative in critiquing a movie when its predecessor is a novel by John Steinbeck. There can be, naturally, absolutely no comparison to the human imagination, besides Sinise does it with only a few imperfections and adjustments to the plot. Let me commence with Sinises choice of casting. Lennie, played by John Malkovich, maintains the childlike, simple character Steinbeck creates in his novel. Ot her film critics might disagree with me, but I believe that Malkovich was entirely convincing throughout his performance.George, played by Gary Sinise himself (and I must say that he must be partially self-satisfied to cast himself) was a confusing actor at times, changing his kindred to Lennie on several different occasions. He is, on one hand, very harsh towards Lennie and tells him what to do and what not to do, basically being domineering. On the other hand, however, George seems to be very compassionate and caring in his relationship with Lennie. Honestly, I was confused. Does George really want Lennie around, or is he just loyal to his promise to Lennies aunt, Clara? Who is George? Hopefully you can comprehend this sporadic behavior, because I sure have not. An example of this is when George cleans the blood off of Lennies face after a fight- his movements are gentle and kind, whereas when George forces Lennie to stay at the ranch while the guys go out for a drink. His attit udes in these two incidents are totally opposing each other.At least in Steinbecks book it was clear that although George was officious, he loved him. Georges annoyance is weaker than his profound unity and one-ness with him. Curleys wife is described as a very racist, harmful, flirtatious person, who is all too certain of her power and consequently abuses it. For example, she threatens an innocent Crooks, Listen, Nigger, she said, You know what I can do to you if you open your trap?1 Sinises depiction of her in the movie, however, is not as despicable. She holds a pitiable role and always is portrayed as the victim. The audience begins to sympathize with her, although, in the book, she was the one to initiate all the trouble.Curleys wife, in the novel, maltreated Lennies stupidity and the fact that he was fascinated by her- Sinise shows the opposite in the movie, because he represents her attraction to Lennie as one of friendship. Sinise also had to think near the skill of his a ctors. It seemed as though Sinise chose the actors well, because they fundamentally illustrated the feelings of the director and how he wanted to have the characters form relationships and emotions. Although the casting and level of skill was satisfactory, Sinise sometimes made scenes too extensive and irrelevant to the topic of the book. For example, when Lennie kills the puppy in the barn, he does not throw it away as he does in the book.Another similar difference is when Lennie accidentally kills Curleys wife by breaking her neck and he does not cover her in the hay, also left out from the novel. This is a mistake, because hiding the puppy and Curleys wife shows that Lennie is remorseful of the acts he has committed, and in the movie it is not shown like that. Sinise must also consider camera shooting. Obviously camera shots are not as effective as the descriptions in the book, because you can picture what you want, and not only what the director guesses you will want to see. Si nise, as all directors, tells the audience what to imagine. Therefore it is not as interesting as reading the book yourself and letting your imagination grow.So, if I were to remember this movie to you, I would recommend reading the novel first. Reading Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck will show you what I am talking about in the movie. Because Steinbecks intentions are slightly altered in the film, you can fully appreciate this piece of theater whilst valuing the literature it sprung from. Sinise changes feelings, maybe not intentionally, but however hard he tried, he didnt succeed perfectly. I wont be too critical- perhaps he had to make cuts which thus excluding important relationship formations or conclusions. Overall the movie was good, but the book is of no comparison. Read Steinbecks version first, then decide for yourself. Me? Im only one opinion.1 John Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men, Penguin Books, (c)1937, London, England. Page 80.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Fresh Water Essay

The greatest similarity between wise(p) and sodium chloride piss system is that both are basically the same chemical substance piss, although the contents of other materials dissolved in it differ. Both contain some amount dissolved chemical in it though the quantities vary. Both form different links in the piddle system supply cycle of the nature. Both are homes to aquatic life. Difference Salt peeing contains much higher quantities of dissolved chemicals as compared to fresh water. This higher concentration of chemical also raises the density of salt water above that of fresh water. prepare and animals living in two types of water bodies are different. Salt water is found only as large stand bodies of water. Most of these are in form of seas and oceans, although though some lakes including very large atomic number 53s considered to be sea also contain salt water. accented water is found in standing bodies of water called lakes, as intimately as running water as in rive rs and streams. Fresh water is available in many other forms such(prenominal) as in rain, and ice caps in the poles and in very cold places. til now no fresh water is found in seas and oceans.Fresh water is used for drinking as well as many industrial processes. However salt water is generally not suitable for most of the industrial use except for cooling. On the other hand salt water is used as a source of some chemicals, particularly common salt. fresh water does not yield any such chemicals. Comparing Fresh water and ocean water, each has their differences. Most notable is animals living in each. The animals that get it on in the Salt ocean water would not survive in fresh water for an extended length of time. Same holds true for fresh water animals.However there are a few species that have adapted and push aside live in both. Some Salt water animals have also evolved to live in Fresh water. Humans cannot drink ocean water without dying. The salt in it dehydrates you to the po int you die of thirst. In order to drink ocean water you have to desalinate it in one of many ways. Boiling it being one way. Ocean water also contains every natural element on the planet. If we could find a way to mine the water that is cost effective, we would have a lot more resources. Ocean water freezes at 26 degrees F and fresh at 32.While only 6 degrees difference in water terms that is huge. It prevents a vast amount of the oceans from freezing over in the winter, of course global warming has helped with that. As for your comment of only 3% of the worlds oceans is fresh water, it is very true. While there is a lot of surface sector of fresh water the oceans are miles deep. The deepest point on Earth is approx 35,000ft below sea direct or about 6. 75 miles down. Many of the deepest lakes only see about 2000 to 3000 ft deep. Also when you compare the surface area of the fresh water bodies comparies to the oceans there isnt much.The great lakes between Canada and the USA con tain 20% of all fresh water on the planet. That is enough water to cover the entire USA with 9. 5 feet of water. When compared to the oceans that isnt much. So dont be surprised. Fresh water is lighter than salt water. Therefore, fresh water floats on top of salt water. This principle becomes extremely important when considering the drilling of a well in order to tap into the ground water of any island. The weight of the rain water that percolates into the ground depresses the salt water beneath it forming a pen that has the appearance of a lens.This is called the Ghyben-Herzberg lens. The principle of this relationship was discovered independently by a Dutch scientist named Baden-Ghyben and a German scientist named Herzberg. The underground boundary that separates the fresh water layer from the salt water is not a sharp boundary line. In reality, this boundary is a transition zone of brackish water (fresh/salt mixture). This is caused by seasonal fluctuations in rainfall, tidal ac tion, and the amount of water being withdrawn either by humans or by natural discharge. Fresh water has a density of 1. 0 while salt water has a density of 1. 025.From this, you can see that salt water is slightly heavier than fresh water. The ratio between the two is 4140. The formation of the Ghyben-Herzberg lens has a profound effect upon the availability of fresh water on an island. This principle essentially states that for every foot of ground water above sea level there are forty feet of fresh water below sea level The mathematical formula for the fresh to salt water relationship is hs = hf / es ef where hs is the perspicaciousness of fresh water below sea level, hf is the depth of fresh water above sea level, es is the density of salt water, and ef is the density of fresh water.Using the common density figures for fresh and salt water the formula can thus be simplified into hs = hf / . 025 Understand that this applies only to fresh ground water that is sitting directly on an intruded consistency of salt water. It has no meaning on a large island where an inland body of ground water may be confined by layers and dikes of lava rock. On islands that are largely composed of dense lava rock, little if any salt water intrudes very far into the underlying rock structure. It is generally only in shore upline regions that salt water intrudes into the cracks, crevices, and loose rock spaces.On low, small islands that are largely composed of coral or other porous materials, salt water intrusion into the underlying interior is quite common. The drilling or digging of wells on these islands and especially on along the shoreline must be make with care. Going too deeply will penetrate the transition zone and result in salt water infiltration and the contamination of the fresh water in the well. I have seen such a well dug in solid lava rock along the shoreline in the Ka u District on the island of Hawaii. This well was located a few feet above the high tide lin e approximately a hundred feet from the ocean.The opening was rectangular, about 3 1/2 feet wide, and 6+ feet long. On one end a set of stairs had been cut into the rock allowing one to walk down five or six feet to the level of the well water. This well was unused as there are no dwellings or settlements in the immediate area. In fact, the area was considered to be range land where a few head of cattle managed to find enough to eat in this dry, desert-like environment. The size and construction of the well indicated that at one time it may have served a considerable number of people and possibly even an old Hawaiian village. Unfortunately the well had been abandoned and neglected.It contained a fair amount of decaying leaves and grass. There was also a considerable amount of broken glass from beer bottles that had been thrown against the interior sides of the well. This was probably done by shore fishermen who frequented the area from time to time and used the well as a convenient trash dump during evening camping parties. Nonetheless, the well serves as an brilliant example of the Ghyben-Herzberg lenss importance to the availability of fresh water in a place where one might think that none can be found. I already had listed some differences of salt water versus fresh water so here are some similarities

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hong Kong Education Essay

The pre-school nurture voucher lineation was launched by the government of Hong Kong circumscribed Administrative Region in September 2007. The schema was meant to introduce reforms in emergence in efforts to promote well behaved early childhood facts of life as the foundation for a childs lifelong learnedness ( teaching method Department, 2000). Based on this plot, e very parent who has a child aged between 3 and 6 years should be given a voucher worth $13,000 every year (HKU Faculty of Education, 2008). Out of the $13,000, $10,000 can be apply by the parents to pay tuition fees in the kindergartens.The remaining $ 3000 should then(prenominal) be used for the master nurture of the teachers in pre-school institutions. The pre-school education voucher should be used under certain conditions. These conditions are, that the voucher should not be used for generating profit, pre-school institutions such as kindergartens must make sure their accounts are open for inspection, the school must attain the get along Education business office benchmarks within 5 years based on the pre-school calibre of education, and tuition fees need to be under $24,000 for half day and $42,000 for dear day course of studys per student, per annum.Due to the restrictions that accompany the pre-school education voucher scheme in Hong Kong, stakeholders in the education sector pick out shown concern for the impact of the imposed restrictions. This has resulted to a debate that has involved the government and the stakeholders. Since its debut in the 2007/2008 years, the voucher scheme has been very eventful for parents with children attending kindergartens. The scheme has provided parents with direct fee subsidy and this has eased their financial burden.It is estimated that a total of 820 kindergartens which represents 85 per cent of the total number of kindergartens in Hong Kong have joined the scheme. In addition, 117,000 pupils are enjoying the benefits from the pre -school education voucher scheme fee subsidy. Since 1997, pre-school institutions in Hong Kong experienced reforms that considered ingrained legalness in schools to be important (Vickers, 2003). According to the Hong Kong government, the implementation of the voucher scheme is an indication of its commitment and support to pre-school education.In addition, the schemes are a overbearing response to the demands that have been made by the kindergarten principals and teachers. This has become possible by dint of the financial support that the schemes provide for the passkey development of the teachers and the principals. It is very important to mark off that the primary objective of the pre-school education voucher scheme in Hong Kong is to provide parents with direct fee subsidy. It is estimated that over 80 percent of the total number of kindergarten teachers have managed to obtain the Certificate of Early Childhood Education(C (ECE)).Some teachers have enrolled in the courses o r have managed to obtain qualifications equivalent to (C (ECE)). To evaluate whether the voucher scheme has been self-made in achieving its objectives, the Education Bureau (EDB) in Hong Kong continues to conduct Quality Review studies. By May 2009, the Education Bureau is estimated to have conducted survey on much than 320 kindergartens. The government of Hong Kong acknowledges that pre school teachers experience pressure at work and they need to develop in their profession.The scheme is considered to be one of the ways through which the teachers professional development can be promoted. Impact of the Pre-school education voucher scheme on teachers professional development Teachers at pre-school institutions have shown their full commitment and dedication to education in Hong Kong . One of the ways through which the pre-school education voucher scheme has impacted positively on the teachers professional development is by trying to reduce the workload of the teachers and the princ ipals.Since one of the primary objectives of the scheme is to promote professional development of the teachers, the Education Bureau has proceed to enhance communication between the school administration, teachers and other stakeholders in the sector (Andrew, 2008). This has resulted to efficient and continuous implementation of programs that are aimed at improve the teachers professional development. The quality review mechanism that has been adopted by the Education Bureau ensures that school self evaluation is done to encourage continuous remediatement in education and the teachers professional development.Teachers have been concerned about the pressure at work that results from the quality review done by the Education Bureau as tumesce as the work load at school. However, the quality reviews that are supported due to the implementation of the pre-school education voucher scheme have promoted professional collaboration between teachers. Pre-school education in Hong Kong has f or a long time been provided by the private sector and non-profit making institutions.This demands that all pre-school institutions such as kindergartens to be salutary placed in a manner that the market forces are used to determine the teachers salaries at discretion. The launch of the pre-school voucher schemes has increased financial resources for the kindergartens and schools management activities (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, 2007). In addition, these resources have been used to finance efforts that aim at providing a working environment that attracts and retains qualified and well performing teachers.The financial resources injected by the voucher scheme have also been very vital in facilitating the payment of good enough salaries to the teachers. These benefits have acted as a motivation for the teachers to improve their skills and abilities hence their professional development (The Education Bureau, 2009). The Hong Kong government has reaffirmed its commitment in promoting high quality education at the pre-school level by encouraging schools or kindergartens to provide the teachers with qualification allowances.Research studies that have been conducted to determine the impact of pre-school voucher schemes in Hong Kong show that over 52 per cent of parents, principals and teachers agree that the scheme is a fair policy that promotes excellence in early childhood education. The teachers satisfaction with the scheme has been due to the opportunities the schemes have offered to them to improve their professional skills. Teachers consider the voucher scheme to have a positive influence on the schools and their staff.By improving the quality of education offered at the kindergarten, it has become necessary for teachers qualifications to be improved. This has played an important role in the teachers professional development. A large number of parents with children in pre-school institutions assert that the schemes have promoted the qu alifications of the teachers as well as the improvement made on the school facilities. The schemes have encouraged teachers to result higher education or to undertake more education courses.At the pre-school level, limited curricular activities are very critical for children development and learning (Sweeting, 1990). Teachers compliment learning in class by extra curriculum activities. By participating in the coordination and implementation of extra curricular programs in school, the teachers ability to lead and teach is improved. The voucher scheme has increased financial resources to be spent for the extra curricular activities in school. By being involved in the activities, the teachers professional ability to use the activities in educating the children is improved.By September 2008, about 30% of teachers at the pre-school level had enrolled and attained good qualifications after enrolling for (C (ECE)) courses which are recommended and supported by the Education Bureau. The p re-school principals who are also teachers have had an opportunity to pursue higher education . For example, about 61 per cent or a large number of principals have been enrolled to undertake the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (B Ed (ECE). A program to certify the qualification of the principals were put into place in January 2008 .By March 2009, about 300 principals who served in the pre-schools had taken a certification course. For continuous professional development in the teachers, many kindergartens have adopted teacher development subsidy (TDC) to offer the teachers school based training programs. The pre-school education voucher scheme provides support services that are offered to develop language skills, cognitive abilities and physical development in children. Teachers gain from this by being engaged in creating a good learning environment, proper children learning, portfolio planning as well as curriculum planning and organization.Being engaged in these activities has been vital in improving the professional skills of the teachers when it comes to planning for good learning at school (Bray and Koo, 2005). The Hong Kong Education Bureau participates in promoting the teachers professional development under the voucher scheme by commissioning a professional training course for their principals. By improving the principals leadership and management skills, the teachers are suitable to pass water good guidance and effective leadership that relate to the teachers work (Ranson, 2003).The principal training course is characterized by an offshore programme and provides an on-spot consultative visit to the principal who participates in the course. About 130 principals are estimated to join the training programme. The principals have given positive feedback about the benefits of the programmes. To support the implementation of the pre-school curriculum revised guide, the Education Bureau organizes professional development programmes which r elate to school based curriculum knowledge, leadership, curriculum management and pedagogical knowledge in various areas of learning.This effort has promoted the professional development of the teachers through capacity building. Transparency in pre-school institutions has been promoted by the requirements set by the Education Bureau when it comes to the management of the financial resources . The resources provided by the scheme promote the suave running of the schools, good remuneration for the teachers and provide a good learning environment. These have gone a long way to increase accountability of the principals and the teachers and this has incite teachers to embrace good values that are important in professional development.Some of the questions that have been raised about pre-school voucher schemes in Hong Kong is whether the schemes can minimise the overall work pressure on the teachers and improve the staff ratio. The pre school education voucher schemes have promoted pr ofessional upgrading for both the principals and the teachers. For those who serve at PEVs-NPM-KGs, a teacher development subsidy is provided in each voucher. The subsidy is utilized for teacher training and development courses.Furthermore, the teachers and the principals who serve in non PEVs-NMP-KGs can claim a reimbursement from the Education Bureau to cater for up to 50 percent of the fees for a degree or diploma course that has been approved in early childhood education. By the year 2011/2012, all teachers serving at pre-school level are expected to have obtained a certificate in Early Childhood Education (LegCo panel on education, 2009). This together with the demand by the scheme that all kindergarten principals who are appointed from 2009 to have a BEd (ECE) have encouraged teachers to pursue higher education.In addition, the requirement for principals to have a one year post qualification experience and a certification course has encouraged principals and teachers to get en gaged in professional development activities and programs. All kindergartens under the scheme have put into place measures that ensure there is continuous professional development by providing school based training programmes under the teacher development subsidy program.Areas of school work that are covered include childrens development, learning and teaching, management and organization, and children and school culture support. The quality reviews carried out by the Education Bureau assists the teachers to invest their energy and time in professional development as a way of promoting sustainable school improvement. For example, local non-profit making schools starting 2012-2013 will be able to redeem the education voucher if they are able to meet the prescribed standards of the Quality Review framework (Education Department, 2007).The requirements specified in the Education ordinance (Cap 279) ensures that teachers professional development can occur when they meet the set educatio nal standards. The first batch pf 130 Quality Review planned visits began in the 2007-2008 school year (Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, 2008b) and an increase in ratio of graduate teachers in 2008/2009 has raised the professional standards and status of the teachers.The Quality Review Framework promotes transparency and accountability in schools which promotes a culture that is good for professional development of teachers. The Hong Kong government is committed and dedicated to the improvements made in education and the professional development of teachers. The development and implementation of the Pre-school Education Voucher intrigue in Hong Kong is one of the ways through which the government has managed to improve the quality of education and to promote professional development in teachers and principals.High quality education at the pre-school level can be attributed to the pre-school education voucher scheme, classroom inspection and quality reviews in schools. In conclusion, the pre-school education voucher scheme has been promoted through the 2007/08 school year Training Activity, Teacher Development plan for 2008/09 school year, Four-year Teacher Development plan and the professional upgrading of Kindergarten principals and teachers.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Two Fishermen

1. For what theme publisher does Michael Foster work for? (1-2) Michael Foster works for the town paper, the Examiner. He is a reporter. 2. Why did Michael not want to be seen with Smitty? (3-4) Michael didnt want to be seen with Smitty because Smitty is a hangman. Every hangman is hated because people think that he is cruel and because he kills prisoners who are friends or parents with people in the town. If Michael is seen to be friend with Smitty, he would have a bad reputation and people of his town would hate him because he is supporting someone that all the early(a)s hated.It wont only affect his life, but also his work, because no one pull up stakes collaborate with him anymore and he could never become a reporter for urban center paper as he always wished. 3. Explain the final scene of the story? (5-6) The story finished with Smitty giving two big angle folded in a newspaper to Michael in front of everyone in the jail. But Michael let the other fisherman take the fish a nd through it at Smitty. First, the fish in this situation symbolize the friendship between Michael and the hangman and the newspaper represents the connection, the people how hated, ridicule and criticize Smitty.When Smitty give Michael the newspaper folded fish, he is offering Michael to become his friend, and saying that Michael will need to deny other peoples judgments ab let out him to become his friend, just like he needs to unwrap the newspaper to see the fish. The reporter, by accepting it, is accepting the friendship and the condition. Then, Michael let the other fisherman take his fish and through it at Smitty. By doing it, the young reporter is letting others to come out the friendship between him and the hangman.He rejected the friendship and betrayed the hangman. In other words, he could unwrap the newspaper that folded the fish. After, when Smitty saw the fish, he could hardly believe it. Michael rank off shamefully. Morley Callaghan, at the final scene, showed two conflicts. The first one is man versus society. This one is very evident. We can see clearly Smitty facing the whole society that criticizes, hates him. The second one is man versus himself. The man is Michael. He has to choose between Smitty and the rest of the society.He had the opportunity to explore the true personality of the hangman unlike other people and he knows that he is a really good guy. Even though he knows that theres no reason Smitty should be hated, he still doesnt want to be seen with him. We could see clearly his inner conflict when Morley wrote, its different now, its different, he kept thinking, as he held the fish in the newspaper tight under his arm. Michael, at that moment, was questioning himself if he should help Smitty but risk his own reputation.At the end, the expression on Smittys face as he saw the fish on the road made Michael hot with shame and he tried to get out of the crowd. This shows that Michael is sorry for the hangman, but he couldnt get r id of the newspaper The author, though the story showed us how a person can be betrayed all the same though he is a good friend and kind and moral person. 4. Explore the importance of the fish? (7-8) The fish in the short story The both Fishermen is a very important symbol, a symbol of friendship.Smitty gives Michael a fish to show that he valued the time they spent together and that he was enjoying Michael and the company. It is a sign of their friendship. But Morley Callaghan, the author, added some detail to the simple fish. She gets it wrapped with newspaper. She gave the newspaper importance by repeating it various times, two good-sized salmon-bellied lake trout, folded in a newspaper he was carrying the fish, folded in the newspaper. And he held the fish in the newspaper. The use of newspaper means that Michael would be able to become real friend with Smitty only if he denies all the critics from other people and deny what the rest of the society thinks, like he would nee d to unwrap the fish from the newspaper to really see the fish. So, when Michael accepts the fish in front of everyone, he accepts the condition and the friendship, because if he doesnt want to be friend, he could not take the fish and do like if he doesnt know the hangman. Then, when he lets the other fisherman to through the fish at Smitty, he lets him at the same time break the friendship.Somehow, he betrayed Smitty and lets the newspaper to separate him and the fish forever. The fish is also a Christian symbol. It is a secret code used and only recognized by Christians to connect with from each one other without revealing themselves to the oppressors. This could also be linked to the Two Fishermen because their friendship is something secret. Their meeting is something secret too. Only they know why Smitty offers a fish alternatively of something else. In brief, the author used the fish as a very important symbol in this short story.