Friday, December 27, 2019

Early Childhood Education- The High Scope Curriculum Free Essay Example, 2000 words

This allows the students to have a sense of planning and they are aware of what they need to expect next. As explained in the High Scope Educational Research Foundation: â€Å"A central element of the preschool daily routine is the "plan-do-review sequence"; other key elements are small- and large-group times, greeting time, and outside time† (HighScope Educational Research Foundation, 2009). Usability and Assessments: The High Scope Educational Research foundation has clearly stated the assessment style used for the programs, â€Å"The COR (Child Observation Record) is used to evaluate child progress in High/Scope infant-toddler and preschool programs. The Preschool Program Quality Assessment (PQA) is used to evaluate the quality of the program, focusing on five key areas: learning environment, daily routine, adult-child interaction, curriculum planning and assessment, and parent involvement and family services† (HighScope Educational Research Foundation, 2009). The High Scope Curriculum has slowly grown to become a major style of education in the country. Over the years more states and local school districts have tried to utilise more universal programs that would help in the education of the students. The high Scope program is very simple to use and every aspect of the classroom and the program is very carefully chosen. We will write a custom essay sample on Early Childhood Education- The High Scope Curriculum or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Special care is taken to choose the right space and material (Henniger, 2009). Also the best possible combination is utilized to promote the active learning among children while making education fun. There is excellent usage of space and equipments and in most cases the centre is divided based on the interest areas, i.e. specific areas are assigned for specific kinds of study and play. The most common of these are areas like block area, small toys area, book area, sand and water area, art area and house area (David, 1973). This arrangement, of the program, makes it very flexible and also allows it to be easily adopted by various schools and is compatible with the needs of the state standards. Since the program has been designed based on a research of the child instructions, staff development, it hence meets all the needs of the Pre – kindergarten model as well (Henniger, 2009). Benefits of High Scope Curriculum: Complete Child Care: The High Scope Curriculum that has been developed has been focused completely on being ‘child centric’. The importance of needs of children is given complete attention. According to the Early Years Reports, this, i.e.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dracula - 853 Words

The people of the Philippines believe in a creature called the mandurugo, a vampiric creature that takes form of a beautiful girl by day, but grows wings and a hollow, thread like tongue used to suck the blood of the sleeping at night. The Cape region in Africa has the folklore of the impundulu, which has the ability to transform into a large taloned bird that can control thunder and lightning. Vampires are seen in stories and folklore throughout civilizations and generations. Even though people knew of vampires, Bram Stoker’s novel made people fear them by terrifying his reader’s with his persona Dracula. The Count has been known to be a very complex character with many odd quirks and traits. Nowadays these have been changed or kept by†¦show more content†¦Dracula made an appearance in Joss Whedon’s TV show and was able to control human minds. A major change is how vampires react in sunlight. In the beginning of Dracula we are to believe that he can on ly go out at night. Later on Jonathan Harker believes he saw Dracula on the streets of Whitby during the day. Van Helsing later confirms that vampires are only weakened by sunlight. The vampires in the Patricia Waddell books and the Buffy series are unable to step foot in daylight without burning up. However in Waddell’s books the vamps can easily be revived. These two adjustments to the original make sunlight an instant death to a vamp instead of just being weakened. Surprisingly the vampires of the Twilight series remain closest to Stoker’s original because even though they sparkle in daylight they still walk around during the day. The killing of vampires has changed in books and TV shows and even varies throughout the book Dracula. Dracula’s wives are killed in the traditional way, a wooden stake through the heart, but Dracula is put to rest with two knives. Today vampires can be killed with anything, but a major change is the use of a silver stake in many di fferent series. The way vampires die has also changed. Killing a vampire in True Blood is far removed from wooden stakes and dust, the process of killing a vampire is brutal and the vampire melts into a gruesome pulp. Anne Rice’s vampire Lestat had hisShow MoreRelatedDracula, Gothic And Epistolary Novels Of Dracula And Bram Stokers Dracula1357 Words   |  6 Pagesinformation and old European folktales to create famous Gothic novels like Dracula; Before writing Dracula, he studied for eight years stories of vampires. The title of Stoker’s story has historical significance to Vlad Dracul the 3rd, a Wallachian ruler who impaled his victims on stakes. Bram Stoker also was influenced by his lifetime, before the publication of Dracula, Gothic and Epistolary novels were on the rise hence why Dracula is classified as both. Stoker’s life as a Victorian can be seen in hisRead MoreDracula And Dracula Essay1760 Words   |  8 PagesCPT Formal Essay Dracula: Lucy, Mina, and the Similarities Differences Between Them Dracula, a novel which had originally been written by Bram Stoker in 1897, is commonly classified as a ‘horror novel’ by the majority of its readers. However, when putting the novel through further analysis, the various symbols and themes of sexuality which the novel contains are brought to the notice of its readers, despite them being easily overlooked by their readers the first time the novel might be readRead MoreComparison Between Dracula And Dracula1108 Words   |  5 PagesDracula is one of the first famous vampire books. Although it is famous for its time, modern day vampire stories have produced some of the bestselling TV shows, books, and movies. Dracula laid the foundation down for these modern day stories to rise to popularity. If you have read Dracula and seen one of these new stories, then you can see a lot of similarities in both stories. These modern day stories share many traits as the book Dracula, but most of the stories have their differences. Th isRead More Comparison of Dracula and Bram Stokers Dracula Essay1462 Words   |  6 PagesCompare/Contrast Dracula and Bram Stokers Dracula A noticeable difference in the way movies have changed over the years is evident when comparing and contrasting two films of different eras which belong to the same genre and contain the same subject matter. Two vampire movies, Dracula and Bram Stokers Dracula, present an interesting example of this type of study. Comparing the 1931 version of Dracula, starring Bela Lugosi, with Frances Ford Coppolas Bram Stokers Dracula 1993 version yieldsRead Moredracula1785 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Eun-Ah Lee Professor L. Tromly ENGL 1200 A01 5 April 2013 The Effect of Supernatural Aspects on the Victorian Society Bram Stoker s Dracula, presents an interesting perspective on death and illness in the Victorian period. This can be viewed as a creativity on Stoker s part, or as a form of religious or social commentary on his changing era. There are several flaws presented throughout the novel as the plot unfolds, which are: characters in the novel dismiss the old traditional belief ofRead MoreEssay on Dracula and Women in Bram Stokers Dracula1802 Words   |  8 PagesBram Stoker wrote the infamous novel, Dracula. This novel was composed in the style of letters, journal entries, newspaper articles and telegrams in order to convey to the reader a realistic story. The story of Dracula is about an ancient vampire who moves to London from his native country of Transylvania. In London, Dracula seduces and bites a young woman by the name of Lucy Westenra. When Lucy falls sick, no one knows how to help her because while Dracula has bitten her many times she has alwaysRead MoreViolence in Dracula12 77 Words   |  6 Pagestypes of literature, violence exists to enhance the reader s interest in order to add a sense of excitement or conflict to a novel. This statement withholds much truthfulness due to the fact that without violence in a piece of literature such as Dracula by Bram Stoker, the plot would not have the same impact if it were lacking violence. So to holds true to that of the movie. The movie bares different characteristics then that of the book. First off, the whole ordeal with the wolf escaping and jumpingRead More Dracula Essay1456 Words   |  6 Pages Bram Stoker’s Dracula Lords of the darkness, Darkling Dancers, Nosferatu, Vrikolakas. And the list goes on like this. The vampire concept is thought by the most to be a myth that has crept into almost every culture. It has influenced many writers to write novels on them and many directors to shoot films on. Vampire myths go back way into the times of first recorded history. Many different legends are known about them varying from the Chinese belief of the glowing red eyed monsters with green orRead MoreCarmilla and Dracula1362 Words   |  6 Pagestwo gothic tales ‘Carmilla’ and ‘Dracula’ in relation to cultural contexts in which they exist as being presented to the reader through the gender behaviour and sexuality that is portrayed through the texts. Vampire stories always seem to involve some aspect of sexuality and power. Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu wrote Carmilla. It was first published in 1872 as part of the collection of short stories titles ‘In a Glass Darkly.’ Carmilla predates the publishing of Dracula by 25 years. Laura, who is alsoRead MoreThe Vampire Powers Of Dracula1373 Words   |  6 Pagespower in general, can take over a single person s mind. Power has the ability to brainwash the mind and control whoever and whatever. Dracula, the main character and Van Hesling are two power hungry characters in the novel that use their strength of power and thirst for control to use people and take advantage of their vulnerability. The vampire powers that Dracula invokes does have that characteristic of strength. His vampire powers as they are called are different from a human’s ordinary power

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Business Perspectives Survey on Mobile Data Offloading

Question: Discuss about the Business Perspectives Survey on Mobile Data Offloading. Answer: Introduction: My initial views about business were very nave. I used to think that an idea can change the world, and it is only an idea that we need to create innovation. However, here I have seen that the business is differentiated into different dimensions, different platforms. My previous idea was to know a concept completely before applying the same to the market. I also had the basic idea that I need to buy something from the market, and need to sell the manufactured product at a higher price. Management has always been fascinating for me because I have always dreamt of becoming an entrepreneur. Other than this, I wanted to achieve a professional skill that enables me to get a particular job that would earn social respect and some good amount of money. The GB500 course has helped me to earn the business acumen that I coveted to earn for a long time. In this particular course, I have learnt several parameters of self-grooming, understanding different features of trade and also how to use the p erfect leadership techniques for enhancing the business skills. The overall project has helped me achieve a lot of dimensions that was a dream to me once. The GB500 workshop taught me the process of continuous improvement, which I still follow for developing my exceptional quality in regards to the development of business skills. The more I learnt about the market, and how an analysis can be made in order to procure business results. The marketing analysis is also discussed in this section as well as the critical parameters that I need to develop in order to be a successful business manager in the corporate(Bosetti Walker, 2010). I personally want to start my career as a manager, and later, I want to utilise the skills acquired in opening a business of my own. I feel that as long as I cannot satisfy another company as a manager, I would not be able to become a successful entrepreneur. I want to strive hard for developing the critical skills needed for the entire business. Critical Reflection and Changes: There are several facets that I have learnt throughout the course, which helped me in understanding the business perspectives in more detail. The matters of learning on Week 1 comprises of the techniques that I need to follow during the business perspectives. It also says the method by which a reflective report needs to be written. Week 2 completely focuses on the continuous improvement process of the individual. The professor calls it learning diaries and explains to us how the diary should be maintained for enriching a proper improvement in all the dimensions(Cacciatore, 2015). It tells us how we miss the important aspects of learning if we fail to maintain the records at a proper time. Week 3 was a very important time of learning for me because it focused on the human resource management, and taught the skills on a practical basis through a case study. The case study mainly focuses Kurrajong Apple Juice that tastes completely like the fruit. Its not only a business but also it endorses the organic farming and its motto in life(Bosetti Walker, 2010). The case study focuses on how a business strategy is developed, how different types of developments take place, how the promotion is made, the different challenges as well as the business life cycle or the future of the business. Week 4 focuses on the challenges a business might face regarding the macro analysis and the different governmental regulations that often creates a problem for the business(Tan, 2016). I earnestly considered the case study from the Harvard Business Review as to how the business should be developed in relation to the tax related problems. If the taxes imposed on a particular business by the government becomes outrageous, then the trade might face hassles in maintaining the competitive pricing of the market(Tudor Robinson, 2011). The legal hassles and the way to handle the hassles are very well dealt with in this regard. I completely learnt the legal implications for business from this particular week. Week 5 focuses on the internal research into the development criteria of the business. The business development completely focuses on Porters five forces and other such models that would be essential for a complete business. The case study analyses a situation where it is necessary to collect information regarding the non-availability of donations as the business only survives through charity(Franklin Carlson, 2010). The analysis of a charitable organisation helped me to understand a product marketing from the zero level. Week 6 explains to me about the value chain and its purpose as essential criteria of a trade. It even explains why Porters value chain has become useless these days. Week 7 focuses on the organisational design, which has been quite helpful to me in my endeavour. I was looking for a perfect plan to design a proper business. It explains to me properly as to why the organisational design is exclusively important for business. In the case study, the GCM is a car manufacturer, which has gotten immense success but it could not become an international business only due to the lack of integration(Breitsohl Khammash, 2010). The failure of a proper teamwork is given here, which is very well explained, and the study helped me in understanding the importance of teamwork, and how it is achievable through organisational design. Week 8 deals primarily with innovation as a big aspect of business. I have always thought about making a business innovative for achieving the greatest deal of attraction. It helped me understand that only creativity of the employees is not enough for generating innovation, and there are management theories related to the same. Through the case study of Coolburst, I was able to figure out the importance of Ansoff matrix as a cool tool for generating market innovation. Week 9 was my favourite section because it explains all the facets of a good entrepreneurship. It matches with my ambition, and so, I tried to grasp this section in detail. In Week 9, the case study about good money and bad money completely explains how a business can sound attractive in the beginning but fails due to lack of proper endeavour and design. Week 10 taught me about the importance of competitive advantage and how to create the same. The Ventura Boat case study helped me to figure out the SWOT analysis, and how it can be made. Week 11 describes the meaning of planning in business. It explained to me how an entire business could be planned beforehand so that a good amount of profit can be made later. Week 12 or the last week taught me on the importance of motivation in the business scenario, and how the employees can be motivated. Critical Reflection on Application to Future Roles and Workplace: According to me, the design of a business is quite important to procure a good amount of profit. As I am planning to become an entrepreneur in the later life, I have a certain amount of liking towards some important sections of the entire course. The basic liking goes for the discussions with the professor mainly in Week 9 where the pros and cons of entrepreneurship are discussed. I personally felt it all the time that a good idea can create a huge amount of market boom. I was inspired by entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, etc. However, after learning this section, I found that good planning is more important than just an innovative idea. I feel that a good planning requires a micro and macro analysis of the business before it is started. The micro analysis consists of the SWOT analysis of the business, which I have learnt during Week 10. This would certainly help me understand the loopholes and take care of my weaknesses and threats. The strengths should be promoted in such a way that it creates a competitive advantage in the market(Kundu, 2014). This is dependent somewhat on the product value, which I have exclusively learnt from the Week 10. The business innovation is mainly created by enhancing the strengths, which I have learnt particularly in Week 8 of the course. Creation of value for my business is also important, which I have learnt in Week 5 and Week 6. The Porters five forces should be utilised to create a complete value for the entire business. The analysis of organisational design comes with the help of Ansoff matrix learnt during the Week 8 of the course. The problems related to the business taxes and other governmental regulations can be fixed from the information taken from the Week 4 of the course. Week 3 of the course helped me in understanding the challenges of promotional activities that I am likely to face while opening a new business. Week 2 focuses on the continuous improvement process, which can be considered as a future tool for the growth of my business. I have always thought that an innovative idea is the main catch. Here, I have learnt that development cannot just happen by a spark, but it is a continuous process. The continuous improvement is generally made by a planning process not only in terms of individual employees but also in terms of the company(Aijaz Aghvami, 2013). Moreover, I have also found that motivating the employees is also quite important for enhancing organisational profit. This can be certainly procured from the portions I have learnt on Week 12. When I would try to open my personal business, I would always focus on the things that I have learnt on Week 10 of the course precisely called the business strategy. According to the professor, a business would always fail if it lacks a proper strategy. The strategy of business would include the strategy of work, promotion, development as well as the creation of products. The product value is an important part of the business(Bosetti Walker, 2010). Now, a strategy needs innovation. The innovation of strategy should always follow the VRIN category, which indicates that a particular strategy must be valuable, rare, inimitable and non-sustainable. I have also learnt the 3M of business planning as a good strategy for the business, which can be described as a critical tool for the future. The 3M of business planning focuses on the aggressive marketing as well as the supply of a good product. The product quality must be exceptional, and it should be given at competitive pricing(Carney Gedajlovic, 2011). Moreover, an aggressive marketing would help the product prosper over time. The workplace is an important dimension for the future because most of the jobs are getting transferred to the online domain nowadays(Breitsohl Khammash, 2010). Other than the direct manufacturing and front customer service, the rest of the jobs can be done online from home(Stories, 2014). The greatest strategy for workplace management for the future is learnt in the last week or Week 12 of the course. The future workplace is completely in lieu with the motivation techniques that are specifically used in the business called the intrinsic and the extrinsic motivation(Meskendahl, 2010). Conclusion My entire learning from the course was great, and it had given me a satisfactory ability to work as a manager in any corporate. The skills of mine would certainly develop over time and experience. I would prefer to join as a manager mainly in the sales department in some company to increase my selling aptitude as well as for understanding the application of the theories that I have learnt during the entire course. Once I became a successful manager and developed a great amount of experience in real life, I would prefer an entrepreneurship. Moreover, the positive feedback from the workplace is also necessary for enriching my confidence in my future business(Aijaz Aghvami, 2013). My ability would also be nurtured by continuous improvement. As I have learnt from the course, that a perfect personality cannot be achieved overnight, but it requires the process of continuous improvement. It is not possible unless it is positively monitored by some good peers. Now, it is not possible during the academic life unless I join a job for my personal betterment. The personal betterment of mine is completely at par with the feedback I would get as a manager while doing a proper job. My leadership skills would also develop when I would get the job of handling a team. My personal opinion about motivation suggests that the proper leadership can be understood from the effect of intrinsic motivation the manager can create among its teammates. I would try the same in the course of time. References Aijaz, A. Aghvami, H., 2013. A survey on mobile data offloading: technical and business perspectives. IEEE Wireless Communications, 20(2), pp. 104-112. Bosetti, L. Walker, K., 2010. Perspectives of UK Vice?Chancellors on Leading Universities in a Knowledge?Based Economy. Higher Education Quarterly, 64(1), pp. 4-21. Breitsohl, J. Khammash, M., 2010. E-business complaint management: perceptions and perspectives of online credibility. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 23(5), pp. 653-660. Cacciatore, K., 2015. Open Stack: A Business Perspective. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 2 2017]. Carney, M. Gedajlovic, E., 2011. Business group affiliation, performance, context, and strategy: A meta-analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 54(3), pp. 437-460. Elliot, S., 2011. Transdisciplinary perspectives on environmental sustainability: a resource base and framework for IT-enabled business transformation. Mis quarterly, 35(1), pp. 197-236. Franklin, B. Carlson, M., 2010. Journalists, sources, and credibility: New perspectives. 3 ed. London: Routledge. Hughes, A. Kitson, M., 2013. Connecting with the ivory tower: Business perspectives on knowledge exchange in the UK. 2 ed. London: Imperial College London. Hussein, S. Manthorpe, J., 2010. People in places: a qualitative exploration of recruitment agencies' perspectives on the employment of international social workers in the UK. British Journal of Social Work, 40(3), pp. 1000-1016. Kundu, A., 2014. Business Perspectives. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 8 2 2017]. Meskendahl, S., 2010. The influence of business strategy on project portfolio management and its successa conceptual framework. International Journal of Project Management, 28(8), pp. 807-817. Smallbone, D. Deakins, D., 2012. Small business responses to a major economic downturn: Empirical perspectives from New Zealand and the United Kingdom. International Small Business Journal, 30(7), pp. 754-777. Stories, S., 2014. How is 3M Rewriting a Bussiness Planning. [Online] Available at:[Accessed 8 2 2017]. Tan, J., 2016. My KBS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 2 2017]. Tomlinson, F. Schwabenland, C., 2010. Reconciling competing discourses of diversity? The UK non-profit sector between social justice and the business case. Organization, 17(1), pp. 101-121. Tudor, T. Robinson, G., 2011. Challenges facing the sustainable consumption and waste management agendas: perspectives on UK households. Local Environment, 16(1), pp. 51-66.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The language of chemistry Essay Example For Students

The language of chemistry Essay To answer the question whether the language of Chemistry directs or limits our thinking, we have to first understand what the intention of the language is. The language of Chemistry allows us to describe matter, what exactly happens during chemical reactions and the interaction of atoms down to a molecular level in a numerical form, so that we are able to carry out and solve numerical calculations. Without this, the modern world would not have been feasible, without the advancements made in modern chemistry. Chemistry is essentials for new discoveries and the way in which it helps us to simplify our perception of matter and our world itself. The language of Chemistry bears an abundant amount of meaning. Chemistry is the language of the molecular level, which has been deduced from experimental science, so how we observe and perceive the world is crucial to understanding the subject. However, while it may help us better understand our world; it may also be constraining our minds and thoughts, as the language may influence the thoughts we think or even determine them by caging our minds in the sense of linguistic determinism. We will write a custom essay on The language of chemistry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many philosophers have engaged in this question, even though they did not have the language of Chemistry in mind, but rather spoken ones, the theory of linguistic determinism also applies to Chemistry. The language of Chemistry can be seen as a cage for our mindset, limiting us to a uniform model set by the scientific community. Furthermore, we cannot be sure that the language of Chemistry necessarily is telling the truth or whether it is simply an illusion which is interpreted by us, and catalogued as empirical knowledge in this broad science known as Chemistry. Every time we measure the temperature of a hot beaker of water, we alter the real value, as the thermometer will cause the temperature to decrease slightly. This observer effect can cause significant problems in the realm of Chemistry, leading the physicist Werner Heisenberg to comment: â€Å"What we observe is not nature itself but nature exposed to our method of questioning†. Therefore, since the language of Chemistry has evolved from such experiments and our conceptual deductions from those results, we cannot be certain whether these results are correct or even close to the truth. The laws and models in Chemistry which make up its language can limit our thinking, in such a way that contradicts the language and cannot be expressed, which may be the actual real truth, are dismissed as simple errors. We could therefore end up experimenting with a biased view of reality and with the goal of receiving the results and deduce the rules we want to get, not the rules set by reality. This may be why Ludwig Wittenstein, one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century, once said: â€Å"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world. † While he was not specifically commenting on the language of chemistry, this quote fits well with the common problems seen in any language. Our thinking may be narrowed by chemical equations, which may influence or even determine our thoughts, as we’re taught in school from a relatively young age to believe that what we are taught is true. On the other hand, the language of Chemistry allows us to transcend the barriers of culture and language. Chemistry is the universal language of matter and it allows for the scientific community to communicate and understand the workings of matter. It can precisely describe the structure of isomers, for example, and the use of oxidation numbers has also allowed us to develop a systematic nomenclature for naming inorganic substances. In addition, we cannot ignore the fact that while we do not know whether the language of Chemistry is correct, it has led to countless technological advancement, and it is undeniable that there must be a reason that it has been working so well so far, that our empirical knowledge deduced from experiments fits perfectly well conceptually. .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 , .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .postImageUrl , .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 , .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900:hover , .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900:visited , .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900:active { border:0!important; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900:active , .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900 .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u58291a326b9b7c5a25d2f0689f02a900:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Drug Legalization EssayWhile the laws may be limiting our creative thinking, science is an inductive way of thinking. Even though we cannot prove certain theories or laws right, scientists constantly try to disprove them, and only then are they dismissed. So far the fundamental laws of chemistry have yet to be disproved and the indication that they have lasted for many decades or even hundreds of years is a good sign that they will continue this trend. We as human beings therefore have to build upon this knowledge, and expand our horizon by discovering the unknown even further, since we make the assumption of the uniformity of nature. This is only possible by seeing the language of Chemistry as a tool, rather than an obstacle in our research for the truth. Another perspective seems to be that languages are capable of expanding and adapting with the evolution of knowledge. The language of Chemistry may limit us from expressing things that are not already verbalised, yet we can simply invent new terms to describe newly discovered elements and so on. How we perceive reality is not influenced by language, however, since we often think in images rather than in words or equations. It is our mind when the conceptualises this empirical knowledge received from our senses to form terms in which we can then express them to others, so that they can benefit from the thoughts and findings one reaches. If the language of Chemistry were indeed limiting, new thinking and discoveries would be thus impossible. All the existing new discoveries in the field of Chemistry would not have occurred, had the language of Chemistry been limiting. For example, new elements and names for them are added to the dictionary of Chemistry. Chemistry is rather a guide for our minds, as it simplifies the complex nature of matter, allowing us to decipher the secrets of Chemistry. It is not the language of Chemistry which would confine us, but it would be the mind of the observer which limits thinking. We can therefore come to the conclusion that the language of Chemistry does not limit our own personal thoughts, while it may be true that it influences our thinking in such a way that we can conceptualise complex concepts of matter in a simpler manner. It is not the language of Chemistry our thinking, but rather the mindset of the subject and the creativity and reasoning of it. The language itself has evolved to its current state, precise and universal, as a result of the discoveries in science. It rather stands out that the limits of the language of Chemistry simply exists for us to expand it Consequently, we should not picture the language of Chemistry as a cage preventing us from letting our mind work freely, but rather as a tool, to aid us in the everlasting search for the ultimate truth by simplifying the complex laws of nature. ________________ Wittgenstein, Ludwig , , Available: http://www. iep. utm. edu/wittgens/ .

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Fundamentals to writing a good essay

Fundamentals to writing a good essay Introduction Essay writing is a major concept practiced in high schools, colleges and universities, regardless of the course that one is undertaking. Unlike creative writing, which can take any format, it is worth noting that essay writing has a method that has to be followed, especially for academic reasons. This paper explores the method of writing a good essay, with special focus on the format and main ideas that have to be considered during this type of writing.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Fundamentals to writing a good essay specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fundamentals to writing a good essay While most people know that essays usually have an introduction, body, and conclusion, less emphasis is put on balancing the three components in actual writing. Oftentimes, most experts recommend that introduction, body, and conclusion should represent 10%, 80%, and 10% respectively (Helpsheet 2). Essays, which do not adhere to this rule, are likely to score low marks, since it is considered as the basic structure of any academic essay. Secondly, the introduction of an essay depends on the research questions or the topic of research being considered. In general, the topic gives direction on how ideas are organized in the essay, and may take varied approaches. At this point, one may choose to turn the research topic into a question, as a way of introducing the essay (Langley 3). Additionally, a good essay narrows its scope to limited issues, since not everything can be covered in a single essay. In other words, it is important to state what to be covered, areas under consideration, and possible comparisons, in order to give the reader a clear picture of the content of the essay. Importantly, this method allows the writer to draw information from different disciplines, as a way of collecting enough materials to educate the reader, rather than reproducing other people’s ideas (Helpsheet 3). T his also makes the essay authentic and interesting to read, as one’s view of the topic is widened through different ideas. In this line of thought, excellent essays are neither too general nor too specific. When the method is too general, it becomes hard for one to plan in terms of how to start, the content, and the final direction of the essay. On the other hand, too specific essays may lack enough materials, thus remaining shallow and boring to the reader. For this reason, a good essay balances the scope of the research with the reader in mind. Besides having focused research questions and a plan of the essay, it is important for the writer to select a topic, which captures the entire area of study. This is to say that, the reader should be eager to know the content of the essay as depicted by the title. A good title can be in form of a question, a statement, or a combination of the two.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get yo ur first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Notably, there has to be a direct link between the title of research and the content of the essay. Another important component of a good essay is a thesis statement, which states the position taken by the writer. This gives direction to the reader throughout the essay, as it forms the basis of all arguments presented. A thesis can also be a point of view taken by different authors on a given topic of research. Conclusion Above all, a good essay has a conclusion, which summarizes the ideas discussed, thus giving it a smooth flow that allows easy understanding. The three elements ensure the transition of ideas as the reader is able to tell the direction of the essay. Helpsheet. Essay Writing Basics. The University of Melbourne, 2010. Web. Langley, Lester. The Basics of Good Writing. SUNY Rockland Community College, 2006. Web.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Evolution of the Harley Davidson essays

The Evolution of the Harley Davidson essays The Evolution of the Harley Davidson Nearly a century ago, the first motorized bike was invented. The idea came from two ambitious young men, William J. Harley and Ben Davidson. Upon completion of their first successful prototype in a backyard shed, they were ready to show the world their newest creation. They could have never imagined the fame and fortune that was waiting just ahead of them. The invention of this unique machine sparked a revolution in the transportation industry. It could cover ground that was considered to be too treacherous for a four-wheeled vehicle to attempt. The narrow, two-wheeled design and the massive power made this possible and grabbed the attention of people everywhere. By the time World War I had begun, the United States Army had incorporated them into their ranks. However, the demand was not just from the Army. Civilians were finding the freedom of the wind in their faces and the sun on their backs completely addictive when they straddled one of these powerful machines. Although the first motorcycles looked nothing like the ones we see today, they were still considered to be the American Dream to many free-spirited young men. The flashy paint jobs and chromed-out motors with their loud mufflers expressed the born to be wild attitude of the daredevil riders. The low, road-hugging frame was constructed of a one-piece steel tubular design that had no rear shocks of any kind. Hence came the nickname Hard-tail. It was a stiff, spine-crunching ride that left even the most dedicated biker tired and hurting after a couple of hours of hard riding. The power train was a forty-five cubic inch, V-twin flathead motor with a four speed transmission that was shifted by hand on the side of the gas tank. The clutch was operated with the left foot, which made it extremely awkward when stopping at a red light or a stop sign. It d ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Telecommuting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Telecommuting - Essay Example While the new concept has many specific advantages and at the same time certain inherent limitations over conventional work places and can be implemented only in limited spheres of work, the concept is gaining immense popularity both among employers and employees due to tremendous flexibility available to them while working at home and also sufficiently meeting company deadlines. The aim of this paper is to study and bring out various advantages and disadvantages of telecommuting and their effects on organizational work culture and certain behavioral aspects in the present era. Hidden inside our advance to a new production system is a potential for social change so breathtaking in scope that few among us have been willing to face its meaning. For we are about to revolutionize our homes as well. Telecommuting is the trend which has grown fast since 1975 when just about 3% people worked from home and they were mostly farmers. Today, a much greater number of people are telecommuting and working from home. Telecommuting essentially implies that employees are using means of computers and telephones for work rather than using normal transportation channels. This has helped them save commuting time wasted on roads or rail, which in many cases can be up to 2-3 hours a day or 25-30% of time spent outside homes. This work culture saves money for employers as well in terms of reduced infrastructural requirements for employees and added benefits of improved productivity, better motivation for people in need as well as personal satisfaction for the employees who cannot move out of homes but want to work nevertheless. However, this aspect has had a considerable effect of lasting nature on the prevalent office culture. In succeeding paragraphs, we shall discuss the advantages and disadva ntages of telecommuting Telecommuting: Benefits Saved Time and Effort. As per a recent research, 10 minutes commuting time one-way amounts to two 40 hrs weeks a year. A similar 40 min one way commuting time consumes eight working weeks every year. (Telework, 2006) For those of us not understanding the gravity of the situation, this commuting time which is actually wasted doing nothing productive is actually equivalent to our whole entitlement of leave and holidays every year. Imagine having double number of off-duty days without any effect on your salary! Improved Productivity. Direct fallout of telecommuting has been improved productivity of an individual. While working from office, many good employees have serious reservations owing to their personal requirements at home. This is especially so in cases of working mothers, single parents or individuals with similar responsibilities. Such people, despite their good employability, cannot work and thus choose part time working or staying at homes. Even if they choose to work, they are pre-occupied with their personal requirements directly or indirectly affecting their work quality and as well as company's output. If such people have an opportunity to work from home than commute to office

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Importance of Postgraduate Education Research Proposal

The Importance of Postgraduate Education - Research Proposal Example There are a variety of postgraduate degrees and diplomas, which a person can pursue in Australia. Mostly, the postgraduate diplomas and certificates are awards that are given to the students who have taken part and completed degree or vacation courses. This postgraduate diplomas and postgraduate certificates may also be awarded to those students who have completed their master’s degree course. It is most common to those who have taken part in postgraduate courses and part-time postgraduate courses. One of the most popular postgraduate options is the postgraduate master’s degree program. The postgraduate master’s courses mostly require that an individual pursuing the course to take a minimum of three years full-time study and provide advanced training in a subject field that is beyond what is normally achieved at undergraduate masters levels. The courses in master’s degree programs vary considerably depending on the subject matter but typically involve some combination of both taught and research elements (Australian government, 2011, web). This postgraduate program is quite prerequisite so that it can obtain funding from the appropriate funding bodies. This postgraduate degree program has a number of options, which an individual willing to pursue it can choose. One of them is the postgraduate master’s in business administration, popularly abbreviated as the MBA. This course is a management course, which looks at managing the organizations in order to ensure that they fulfill their objectives. The program is further divided into various options to suit the students. This includes options in operations management, strategic management, human resource management, finance and banking, and accounting option.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Something I Feel so Strongly About (at of This Moment) Essay Example for Free

Something I Feel so Strongly About (at of This Moment) Essay The moment we were asked by our professor on something that we strongly feel about, I already had thoughts and mix-ups on my mind. Honestly, I find this one a bit confusing to write. I mean, I’m not sure if my thoughts are likely good enough for me to write something with sense here. Anyway, I began this by thinking and feeling deeply. Yes, I mean this word: DEEPLY. I thought of what’s really bothering me, both mentally and emotionally. It’s like I was asking myself what’s that thing I do feel so strongly about. I thought of hundreds of things. Then I came up with this particular matter that I think occupies mostly my thoughts. I know it’s hilarious to hear this and it’s kinda weird because of the fact that there are millions of things as choices and I have concluded that this thing is about my crush. Isn’t it funny? I’m actually smiling while writing this one. I feel like I’m so childish and immature. But this is the truth and this time, I have to deal with it. I think I should just screen his name. Read more: Proudest Moment of My Life I’ll just keep it private here because it’s so awkward. I’m crazy about this boy. Hahaha! I daydream many things about him. I daydream of the way he smiles, the way he talks, the way he stares at something, and everything about him. I daydream about me and him together. I want to emphasize the word â€Å"DREAM† because I know it’s all impossible. Hahaha! I stalk on him, particularly on Facebook. I did a research about his name and backgrounds. Every time I see him, I’m whispering like â€Å"Boy, you got my heartbeat runnin’ away.† Seeing him can already make my day. Seeing him smile is really a great impact. It’s like vitamins to my heart. Hahaha! He’s one of my inspirations. We’re not friends. I just know him and I guess, he doesn’t even know me. I feel hurt and insecure whenever I see him with other girls. I know it sounds funny because I don’t have the right to be. I’m just an ambitious loser: dreaming of something really impossible. I know lots of girls are also crushing on him. I don’t certainly know if what feeling is I’m feeling. If it’s love or just a mere infatuation. But one thing is for sure, it’s not obsession. I don’t care if I may sound defensive but I’m pretty sure it’s not. Feelings come and go. If this might lead for something worthy someday, I hope for this to stay. But if it’s never meant to be, then I also hope for this feeling to go away.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Andy Warhol :: essays research papers

Pop art is a movement that occurred near the end of the 1950’s. It was a reaction to the seriousness of Abstract Expressionism. Pop art emphasized contemporary social values, the sprawl of urban life, the vulgar, the superficial, and the flashy. Advertising provided a number of starting points for the subjects. A particular favorite advertisement form that Warhol likes to use was product labels. You will see quite a few examples of this in some of his work. (Grolier 1996)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Warhol did most of his well-know works in a four year span from 1960 to 1964. He started out by reproducing images such as comic strips on much larger canvases. Some examples of these would be Nancy, Dick Tracy, Superman, and Popeye. He later became much more interested in reproducing labels of products and some people. This became a standard procedure for Warhol during this period. He later began to make movies and photography. (Coplans pg 47-48)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of his work, he started out with the making comic strip â€Å"reproductions.† They really shouldn’t be considered reproductions because they aren’t always an extremely accurate portrayal of the product. Some of his pieces such as the thirty-two painting collection of Campbell’s Soup Cans, are almost identical to the models he used. While others have a looser quality and are merely starting points on which to begin. (Coplans pg 47)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He accomplished the mass amounts of the same subject through many methods. Sometimes he would just paint each of the subjects by hand, one by one. Other times he would use stamp molds and silk-screening. The silk-screening process is very similar to that of an intricate and sophisticated stencil. There is a screen made of fine silk or similar material that is made impermeable to all places except that of the area wanted to be colored. This is done photomechanically, a process that makes photographs into silkscreen. The silk-screening process is fairly simple. You pour ink or paint into the silk-screen, and then you run a squeegee across it so it goes through the open pores of the screen. You repeat this procedure for each of the colors to be used. An advantage to this it that you can used them more than once. To date, silk-screening is the cheapest and most effective means of reproducing many products of it type and quality. (Coplans pg 50) (Crone pg 11)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The main focus of serial imagery is redundancy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Samsung Electronics

Submitted by: Aneesa Amjad INTRODUCTION6 SAMSUNG VALUE AND CODE OF CONDUCT6 Business Principles7 ?We promote health and safety. 7 ?We are a socially responsible corporate citizen. 7 ?We comply with laws and ethical standards. 7 ?We maintain a clean organizational culture. 7 ?We respect customers, shareholders and employees. 7 ?We care about environment. 7 Samsung Values8 ?People8 ?Excellence8 ?Change8 ?Integrity8 ?Co-prosperity8 Samsung Philosophy9 NEW VISION9 HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT9 Vision and Mission10 HRD Philosophy10 JOB ANALYSIS11 RECRUITMENT11 Recruitment tools11 Newspapers:11 Online Recruitment (e-cruitment):11Educational Institutes:12 E-mails:12 4/5 Grade Recruitment12 Selection process12 Application Form12 Document Screening13 SSAT13 Interview13 Physical examination14 Join Samsung14 3 Grade Recruitment14 Person with career and doctorate possessors14 ?Samsung Shared Value program (SVP)15 ?Samsung Business Leader Program (SLP)15 ?Samsung Global Expert Program (SGP)15 SAMSUN G RESEARCH CENTER16 MANAGERIAL DEVEOPMENT AND TRAINING16 TRAINING AND DEVELOPING16 HRD PROGRAMS17 ?SVP New employee Orientation17 ?SVP Samsung summer festival17 ?SLP17 ?Samsung MBA Course17 ?SLP Executive development Course18 SLP Senior Executive development Course18 ?SGP18 ?SGP Regional Specialist course18 ?SGP Premier Course19 ?SGP Overseas Country Manger Development Course19 ?SGP Global Leader Course19 ?SGP Language Course19 EDUCATION IN 201020 PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL20 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS21 ?Group insurance21 ?Physical exams21 ?Financial aid for medical costs21 ?Congratulatory/condolence pay21 ?Use of leisure facilities21 EMPLOYEE HEALTH22 Employee Health and Disease Management22 ?Health Research Center22 ?Mental Health22 ?Employee Health Management23 EMPLOYEE WORK-LIFE BENEFITS23 ?Work & Life Balance23 RETIREMENT BENIFITS23 Outplacement Program23 ?Major Reasons of Retirement24 COMPENSATION PLANS24 LABOR POLICIES25 ?Child Labor and Forced Labor25 ?Labor Union Policy and Labor Counci l25 INTERVIEW QUESTIONS26 Exhibits31 Staffing Manager33 Samsung Electronics America- Ridgefield Park, NJ (Greater New York City Area)33 Job Description33 Desired Skills & Experience34 INTRODUCTION From its beginning as a small export business in Taegu, Korea, Samsung has grown to become one of the world’s leading electronics companies, specializing in digital appliances and media, semi-conductors, memory, and system integration.Today Samsung’s innovative and top quality products are world recognized. It’s a global company with approximately 190,000 employees and is operating in 61 countries worldwide. SAMSUNG VALUE AND CODE OF CONDUCT Samsung Electronics is fully committed to complying with local laws and regulation as well as applying a strict global code of conduct to all employees. With an aim to become one of the most ethical companies in the world that is respected by its stakeholders, Samsung Electronics continue to train its employees and operate monitori ng systems while practicing fair corporate management.The code of conduct includes elimination of nationality or gender discrimination, transparent disclosure of business information, customer information protection and partner collaboration. All of Samsung Electronics employees will have to follow this code of conduct in their relationship with their colleagues and customers. Business Principles Samsung Electronics announced the Five Samsung Business Principles† in 2005, and it serve as the foundation for its global code of conduct in compliance with legal and ethical standards. (Exhibit 1) These five business principles are as follows: We promote health and safety. * We are a socially responsible corporate citizen. * We comply with laws and ethical standards. * We maintain a clean organizational culture. * We respect customers, shareholders and employees. * We care about environment. Samsung Values Samsung believes that the key to good business is to live by strong values. A t Samsung, code of conduct and these core values are at the heart of every decision they make. (Exhibit 1) * People At Samsung, a company is its people and they are dedicated to giving their people a lot of opportunities to reach their full potential. * ExcellenceEverything they do at Samsung is driven by a passion for excellence and a persistent commitment to develop the best products and services on the market. * Change In today’s world due to globalization, change is constant and innovation is very important for a company’s survival. And Samsung have done that for 70 years, they set their sights on the future, predicting market needs and demands so that they can achieve long term success. * Integrity The foundation of their business is that they operate in an ethical way. Everything they do is guided by a moral compass that ensures fairness and respect for all stakeholders. Co-prosperity A business cannot be successful if it does not create prosperity and opportunit y for others. Samsung is socially and environmentally responsible corporate citizen in every community where they operate around the globe. Samsung Philosophy At Samsung, they follow a simple business philosophy: to devote their talent and technology to creating superior products and services that contribute to a better global society. Everyday their people bring this philosophy to life. Their leaders search for the brightest talent from around the world, and give them the resources they need to be the best at what they do.The result is that all of their products have the power to improve lives. (Exhibit 1) NEW VISION â€Å"Inspire the world, create the future† This new vision shows that Samsung Electronics is committed to inspire the world by leveraging Samsung’s three key strengths: â€Å"New Technology†, â€Å"Innovative Products†, and â€Å"Creative solutions. † and to promote new value for Samsung’s core networks—Industry, Partne rs and Employees. (Exhibit 2) Samsung has planned to become one of the world’s top five brands by 2020. Samsung has also established three strategic approaches in its management, â€Å"Creativity, Partnership, and Talent.HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT To achieve long term goals, human resource department plays a very important role. Employees are its most important asset. Human resource department plays a crucial role in the company’s success. Samsung Electronics believes that human resources and technology development both have separate functions and both are important to overall quality management. For the success of Samsung electronics it is very important that all employees enjoy doing their jobs and gets along with each other in the company.Vision and Mission Samsung has its own Human Resources Development Center. The aim of Samsung Human Resources Development Center is to become the world’s best HRD center and to develop people with creativity, passion and a c hallenging spirit who will make Samsung the world’s leading company in the 21st century. Samsung HRD Center devotes itself to carry the management philosophy into practice, spread Samsung Values, play a centripetal part to bring the values and actions of Samsung people toward one direction, lead the creative innovation nd change in the global era, and support the global management as the leader of the globalization. HRD Philosophy Since its foundation, Samsung has focused on and respected people with â€Å"A company is its people†. Samsungs management philosophy and traditions have become the key driving force of materializing its continuous growth and making it one of the world’s best companies. Since its introduction to open recruitment system in 1957, Samsung has developed its people in earnest. For about 50 years, Samsung has continued its history and tradition of developing people.After Samsung HRD established HoAm-Kwan in 1982 and Chang Jo Kwan in 1991 to implement â€Å"Samsung with high potentials† as the birthplace of educating Samsung people, they have played an important role of maintaining, succeeding, and developing the culture of Samsung. JOB ANALYSIS When a new position is established, the Human Resources department prepares a job analysis clearly identifying the positions responsibilities and overall relationship to the company. (Exhibit 3) RECRUITMENT Samsung Research Center intends to recruit, hire and place applicants on the basis of the applicant’s relative knowledge, skills and abilities.The decision to employ an applicant will be based solely on the individual’s qualification for the particular position along with other requisite job skills. Recruitment tools Upon getting informed the HRM Department invites a wide pool of applicants through any or all of the following mediums. Newspapers: Vacancies are advertised on leading newspapers. Online Recruitment (e-cruitment): Application forms are availa ble online at Samsung website and interested candidates can fill and submit them online. Educational Institutes:The HRM Department conducts annual job fairs in various educational institutes in which presentations about job prospects and the company is given. E-mails: Interested candidates can email their CVs to HRM Department, which are then collected in a file and consulted whenever job opportunities arise. 4/5 Grade Recruitment This is the recruitment for the production/manufacture class. It proceeds with announcement when there are vacancies. The selection process is given below: Selection process Application Form Document Screening SSATInterview Physical Examination Join Samsung Application Form The employment application is candidate’s first chance to present his qualifications to the organization. As such, it is extremely critical for his/her continued participation in the examination process. Before beginning, one has to review thoroughly what the Job Announcement spe cifies as the requirements to qualify for the position. Candidate must meet these criteria to be considered for the position; ensure that, otherwise candidate will be wasting his/her effort in completing the application.Document Screening They screen the documents provided by applicants on the basis of job requirement. Those who do not fulfill job requirements are screened out during this step. Those who are passed through this step have to take Global Samsung aptitude test. SSAT Samsung aptitude test is designed to determine level of technical and/or analytical abilities associated with the particular position for which candidate had applied. Interview The List of Eligible Candidates is established after SSAT and then it is sent to the Department(s) that is hiring to fill a current vacancy.The Department Head is responsible for setting up selection interviews. Further the management of Samsung takes three types of interviews 1. First interview is taken by the HR manager which they name as â€Å"initial interview. 2. Manager of department, HR Manager and two V. P takes the second interview. 3. Structured sequential interview is taken by HR manager and C. E. O The Department Head will be looking for the candidate with the best qualifications for the particular position. Physical examinationThe candidates who are selected to fill the vacancy will undergo a medical examination, drug screen, background investigation, and a probationary period before attaining permanent employment status. Join Samsung After checking all physical exams, medically fit candidates are called to fill the vacancy. 3 Grade Recruitment This is the recruitment for Management/the Management support department, various Research and Development organizations. It is processed with dear Samsung job advertisement. The same selection process is being followed for 3 grade recruitment as well.Person with career and doctorate possessors When there is a vacancy in each department, the resume of appli cants are reviewed by the HR department and they make contact with the applicant on the individual basis. Application Form Individually contact with applicants Interview Physical Examination Join Samsung HRD STRATEGY To create innovation and challenge, Samsung HRD center develops human resources by the following three programs: SVP, SLP and SGP * Samsung Shared Value program (SVP) To achieve â€Å"Samsung toward one direction† by sharing Samsung values (Future Management) cultivate next generation leaders Samsung Business Leader Program (SLP) To become â€Å"world leading company† by developing leaders of the next generation (Trust Management) Share core values of Samsung * Samsung Global Expert Program (SGP) To achieve â€Å"Global Samsung† by developing global competencies (Globalized Management) Develop Global Competency SAMSUNG RESEARCH CENTER Samsung Research center is an innovative organization offering unlimited opportunity to those who struggle to develo p and grow to their fullest potential. They work together to bond individual achievement with company goals.The rewards for superior performance come personally as well as professionally. To create an environment where everybody feels a close relationship with the company, understands its policies and operation is one of the priorities of Samsung research center. MANAGERIAL DEVEOPMENT AND TRAINING Samsung electronics have in- house development center (human resource development center) and universities. They combine classroom learning (lectures and seminars) with other techniques such as assessment centers. TRAINING AND DEVELOPINGSamsung Electronics assesses individual work capabilities according to job function and offers a wide range of training opportunities to nurture all employees into experts in their respective fields. To provide all employees, including those based overseas, with access to comparable levels of training programs regardless of location, they have set up a glob al education portal and mobile education system led by the HR Development Center, and diverse programs are offered through training departments according to business division and work function.There are a lot of programs which Samsungs’ HR department follows to train and develop their employees and they are as follows: HRD PROGRAMS * SVP New employee Orientation This course is to develop Samsung people for the 21st century to have the basic quality for Samsung people and proper business creed. The 4 week course helps new recruits understand the history, tradition, key values, and management philosophy of Samsung, in addition to building teamwork, creativity, and a challenging spirit through various experimental learning. * SVP Samsung summer festivalThis festival is to enhance group identity and pride as Samsung people, CEOs of affiliates, new executives, global leaders in overseas offices and branches, representatives from various classes as well as new recruits participate in this course, which is held every June, and this course acts as a cultural and value group activity for all. * SLP It develops high potentials who will lead the future of Samsung and fosters them as the leaders of the next generation. * Samsung MBA Course This course is to expand the pool of potential leaders of the next generation of Samsung.Every year since 1995, Samsung has selected qualified Samsung people and allowed them to study in famous overseas or local business schools for two years to learn practical management knowledge and global management. * SLP Executive development Course This course is to develop the leaders of the next generation who have global competitiveness and all around management competency. Qualified general managers learn global business management competency, leadership development, and problem solving in the field via action learning through this five month course. SLP Senior Executive development Course This course is to encourage the management lea ders of the next generation who have strategic thinking abilities and management insight. Elite senior executives learn business modules to boost their global competitiveness and advance leadership development focusing on value, and perform various activities through action learning in this four month course. * SGP It is Samsungs global competency enhancement program that develops global business competency and foreign language skills. * SGP Regional Specialist courseThis course is to develop global experts with global sense as the spearheads of globalization in the 21st century. Since 1990, every year, qualified Samsung people have been dispatched to the world including North America, Europe, china, Japan, East Asia, West Asia, and Central and South America for 1 year to acquaint themselves with local business customs and cultures through various experiences for localization of Samsung people. * SGP Premier Course This course is to encourage global leaders who have excellent foreig n language ability and global business competency.For foreign language ability, Samsung people focus on learning how to communicate effectively and speak in foreign languages at the advanced level. For business competency, they focus on developing their global business skills through the best practices of management and learning how to accept different cultures. * SGP Overseas Country Manger Development Course This course is to develop global leaders and executives for overseas offices. Samsung people who will be and are already dispatched to overseas offices learn the practical management and management research for their overseas offices, leadership development and global mind. SGP Global Leader Course This course is to provide overseas executives and managers with a deeper understanding of Samsung values to enhance awareness of a shared value community. The course’s highlight is to participate in the Samsung Summer Festival at the end of the course. * SGP Language Course S amsung people who will be dispatched to overseas offices or they have to handle foreign related works learn ten weeks of English, Japanese, Chinese or Spanish to enhance the foreign language ability. EDUCATION IN 2010 Samsung Electronics continues to enhance employee competencies by utilizing online and offline education programs.Education enhances the effectiveness of employees by offering more online and mobile course. PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Samsung Electronics evaluates performance of all its employees against a consistent goal. Required capabilities by position are identified, based on which capability performance is conducted. The jobs are evaluated on yearly basis under 360o method; the competent employees are rewarded in shape of promotions, bonus, increments and annual holidays and promotion. The results of an appraisal can be used to identify areas for further development of the employee.The organization also uses different questionnaires, which consist of numerous questions about the behavior of the employee, and then on the basis of these answers personality of the employee is judged. When evaluation is made the unsatisfactory performers are given warning. The employee after warning is put under observation, for some period of time and if the employees’ performance is still unsatisfied then are demoted or fired. Samsung SDI has institutional means up and running to guide fair and understandable evaluation and for the evaluated to defend themselves.If the evaluated submits an application to file a protest within five days after disclosure of evaluation results, HR committee is convened with the evaluator and the evaluated present and adjusts the results, if necessary. INCENTIVE PLANS Individual performance determines individual capability reward and group performance determines Productivity Incentive (PI) and Profit Sharing (PS). EMPLOYEE BENEFITS They offer benefits to their employees required by law as well as internal benefit programs to enh ance quality of life for employees.Both regular employees and those working on contract basis can take advantage of numerous benefits which include: (Exhibit) * Group insurance * Physical exams * Financial aid for medical costs * Congratulatory/condolence pay * Use of leisure facilities In 2010, they increased the physical exam components to promote the health of employees. Other benefits offered to employees are as follows: EMPLOYEE HEALTH Samsung Electronics makes every effort to create a safe and pleasant work environment. All of their production plants have obtained OHSAS18001 certification for occupational health and safety management system.Senior executives of the company have special interest in recent concerns on workers’ cancer risk. From July 2010, they have commissioned a leading international environment and health consultancy to conduct an epidemiologic survey to ensure objectivity and transparency in the survey findings. This objective investigation is expected to cover every possible cause and clear up suspicions completely. Employee Health and Disease Management * Health Research Center They have opened the health research center in April 2010.The Samsung Electronics Health Research Center was established under the Semiconductor Business to carry out mid- and long-term research projects related to employees’ health and wellbeing. The center is manned by researchers in health sciences, medicine, chemical engineering, pharmacology and nursing. It is conducting research into matters such as hazardous chemical substances, work environment and epidemiology, and new substance manufacturing processes. * Mental Health They have expanded psychological evaluations in the regular physical exam from 2011 to help employee’s better cope with emotional strain and stress.The evaluations will check whether employees suffer from any conditions caused by stress related to problems with work or their personal lives. If necessary, employees wi ll be able to receive professional counseling based on online and offline diagnoses. These measures help employees lead healthy and productive lives. * Employee Health Management As part of efforts to promote employees' health and maintain a pleasant work environment, they offer customized health management programs including programs for weight loss, smoking cessation and emotional health.They also operate a center for the prevention of musculoskeletal diseases which allows employees to check their spinal health. (Exhibit ) EMPLOYEE WORK-LIFE BENEFITS * Work ; Life Balance Work hours are continuously monitored at Samsung Electronics to promote work-life balance. In particular, they have introduced a flexible time program for administrative staff so they can set their own work hours to enhance quality of work life. Work hours at the global production subsidiaries are adequately managed according to local employment standards nd the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) gu idelines. RETIREMENT BENIFITS * Outplacement Program Up through 2010, they have provided assistance for 2,216 retiring employees find new jobs or start a business through the career development centers. In 2010, they signed an agreement with the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business to help seasoned specialists find new jobs at small and mid-size enterprises. In 2011, they offered career planning courses for incumbent employees. (Exhibit) * Major Reasons of RetirementKorea Overseas 1. Study 1. Change of Occupation 2. Change of Occupation 2. Family Reason 3. Health Problem 3. Study 4. Domestic Affairs 4. Health problem 5. Contract Expiration 5. Dissatisfied with Type of Work COMPENSATION PLANSIn 2010, Samsung Electronics made upward adjustments in the salaries of all employees and applied a system of accumulated annual salary for individual workers to differentiate compensation according to performance. Samsung’s compensation scheme is based on ‘compensation wi thout discrimination and compensation for performance’ to ensure internal impartiality and external competitiveness. Those on the same position are given same amount of base salary disregarding gender, nationality, religion, social status, and age. On top of it, differentiated compensation is made according to individual performance.LABOR POLICIES * Child Labor and Forced Labor Discrimination, forced labor and child labor are prohibited in accordance with articles 4, 6 and 16 of the company’s rules of employment. In addition, they strictly abide by the 24 ILO conventions ratified by the Korean government. In 2010, there were no violations of laws and regulations related to child labor and forced labor. * Labor Union Policy and Labor Council Samsung’s basic HR policy is summarized in the following statement: â€Å"The workers and the company will cooperate for mutual advancement based on the principles of co-existence, co-prosperity and harmony. Samsung Electron ics strives to provide superior working conditions relative to its peers so that employees do not feel the need for a labor union. All of their business sites across the globe have a labor council to facilitate dialogue between labor and management. Other major communication channels include the GWP committee and safety council. Each of their business sites in Korea has a worker council. Each worker council holds at least one regular meeting per quarter. The council also gathers when the need arises to discuss matters such as salary adjustments.It enables grievances and requests to be swiftly conveyed to management so that the necessary corrective measures can be pursued. Due consideration was given to employees’ requests to improve the work environment. In 2010, the worker council addressed several issues through expanding the flexible time program, establishing infrastructure for stress relief, and improving office environment. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS ———â €”————————————- What are Samsung values and code of conduct? ————————————————- _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What tools do you use to recruit job candidates?Like do you use advertising, employment agencies, college recruiting or some other method? _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you prefer outside candidates or inside candidates? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What types of test do you use to measur e a wide range of candidate attributes? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you check applicant’s background before selecting him? ————————————————- __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the selection process of Samsung? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What type of interviews is done at Samsung? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is the HRD strategy of Samsung? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___ ————————————————- What is the function of Samsung Research Center? ————————————————- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What are HRD programs implemented for training and developing employees? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ What education programs are being offered at Samsung? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What types of benefits are being offered to employees at Samsung? _____________________________________________________________________________

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Grade 10 Cells and Cell Specialization Review

Cells, Cell Division, and Cell Specialization Fundamentally Different Types of Cell Prokaryotic Cell- single celled: only DNA+ structure (â€Å"before nucleus†) E. g. zygote-complete DNA Eukaryotic Cell-multi-celled (â€Å"after nucleus†) ProkaryotesEukaryotes DNAIn â€Å"nucleoid† regionWithin membrane-bound nucleus ChromosomesSingle, circularMultiple, linear OrganellesNoneMembrane-bound organelles SizeUsually smallerUsually larger- 50 times OrganizationUsually single-celledOften multicellular Sexual ReproductionNoneMeiosis: Combination of DMA from 2 cells 3 postulates of cell theory (Created by Schleiden, Schwann) . All living things are composed of cells 2. All cells from pre-existing cells (e. g. through cell division) 3. Cells are the basic functional units of living organisms Functions of organelles OrganelleIn business termsFunctions CytoplasmPlace to work-suspends organelles -stores substances that are needed for later -many chemical reactions take place CytoskeletonPlace to work-transports vesicles and organelles -determines cell shape E. g. while blood cell: uses it to reach and swallow bacterium Ribosome/ EnzymesWorkers-makes proteins that enter the ER for modification NucleusThe boss-protects DNA chromosome: large continuous piece of DNA, containing many genes -gene: many sets of instructions on a chromosome, make functional products -nucleolus: region of DNA that codes ribosomes -nuclear pore: holes in a nuclear membrane Endoplasmic Reticulum Internal transportation-transports materials throughout the cell with its branching tubes and pockets -brain: assists with production, release of hormone -muscles: involved with muscle contraction Golgi ApparatusExports transportation-collect and process materials to be removed from the cell -make and secrete mucus Cell MembraneSecurity/ export/import-support the cell allow some substances to enter while keeping others out (semi-permeable) Chloroplasts Cash flow-absorb light energy for pho tosynthesis? the process of converting carbon dioxide and water in glucose and oxygen using chlorophyll MitochondriaSpender of cash-make energy available to the cell -contains enzymes? convert stored energy into a easily usable form ( cellular respiration) LysosomesWaste removal/ recycling-digestive system of cell? break down waste from both inside and outside the cell Vacuoles Storage-contain substance, removing unwanted maintaining internal turgor pressure within the cellDifferentiating between plant and animal organelles AnimalsPlants Lysosome: present in all animal cells but not allCell Wall: provides structural support, prevents cells from rupturing, outside of cell membrane Centrioles: involved in cell divisionChloroplasts: absorb light energy for photosynthesis? the process of converting carbon dioxide and water in glucose and oxygen using chlorophyll Vacuole: a portion of the cell membrane may turn inside out to form a vacuole to digest the engulfed objectVacuole: controls t urgor pressure, much larger Reasons who cells must divide 1.Reproduction -all cells use division to reproduce -single celled organisms: split to form new organism (asexual reproduction) -multi celled organisms: 2 parental cells combine to form new organism (sexual reproduction) 2. Growth -transport of nutrients and waste across the cell limits cell size (diffusion: from highly concentrated areas to lower concentrated areas) -movement of chemical occurs by diffusion? cells get too large, chemical and water can’t move fast -only way to get bigger and still function properly is to add more cells 3. Repair/Regeneration -needed to stay alive E. g. kin cells replaced daily, red blood cells replaced ever 120 days, breaking bones or cuts and blisters: new cells needed to fill the gaps -replaces lost cells Why do cells specialize? Cells have exact same DNA in its nucleus? location and chemical messages from other cells activate certain genes. As a result each cell has a unique functio n in which they must perform Types of stem cells â€Å"Undifferentiated† Totipotent-â€Å"embryonic† stem cells E. g. zygote ?Completely undifferentiated E. g. cells from first few divisions after fertilization ? Can become any type ? Destroys the embryo when collected Pluripotent- â€Å"adult† stem cells E. g. trophoblast Already partially differentiated and located in specific body tissues E. g. bone marrow, umbilical cord ? Can become many types, but not all Multipotent ? Can only differentiate into a limited range of cell types Cancer- What and how it forms What: When genes that control the duration of interphase get mutations (random changes in DNA code) that causes a cell to grow out of control. As a result it forms a tumor (lumps of cells) that doesn’t fully differentiate or function properly, using valuable resources Tumor Types 1. Benign (non-cancerous): cells don’t interfere or invade other cells, but large masses can crowd nearby tissues 2.Malignant (cancerous): interferes or invades other cells, nearby tissues and potentially mestasize Mestasize: process of cancer cells dividing and going to other places in the body by breaking away from an invasive primary tumor, forming additional secondary tumors Causes of Cancer 1. Cellular: DNA is copied improperly during S phase of cell cycle 2. Environmental: mutations caused by carcinogens (E. g. chemicals, energy, some viruses) Methods of Screening Cancer -Pap smear (cervical cancer) -Mammogram (breast cancer) -Colonoscopy (colorectal cancer) -PSA blood test (prostate cancer) -Self-ExaminationBiopsy: removal of body tissue for laboratory examination (E. g. taken with endoscope) Methods of diagnosing cancer -Endoscopy: Camera and tissue extractor -X-ray: uses radiations to get images of tissues -Ultrasound: uses sound waves to create images of soft tissues -CT/Cat Scan: Computer Axial Tomography creates #. D images MRI Scan: Magnetic Resonance Imaging creates #. D image us ing magnetic fields and radio waves and computer analysis Different methods of treating cancer -Surgery: physically removing -Chemotherapy: treating with a series of drugs that target rapidly dividing cells -Radiation: killing cancer cells with target radiationBiophotonics: uses beams of light to detect and treat cancer Different parts of the cell cycle- Description Interphase: -period before a cell divides -longest part of the cycle (3/4 of its time) -cell grows, performs daily functions and chromosomes are duplicated S-Stage of Interphase Strands of the SNA are copied but remain attacted to the original protein Mitosis: process by which all cells divide (to divide up the DNA that has been copied and create 2 identical cells each with a complete set of chromosomes Prophase: duplicated chromosomes shorten and thicken (chromatin begins to condense by supercoiling, wrapping around protein balls -nuclear membrane starts to dissolve) -spindle fibres (made of microtubles) form -centriole s move to opposite ends (poles of the cell) Metaphase: -double stranded chromosomes line up along the equator (middle of the cell) Anaphase: -each double stranded chromosome splits and the single stranded chromosomes travel along the spindle fibres to opposite ends of the cell -sister chromatids get pulled apartTelophase: -chromosomes reach the opposite poles of the cell and become longer and thinner -new nuclear membrane forms around each set of chromosomes -spindle fibres disappear -supercoiled DNA begins to uncoil to form chromatin again Cytokinesis: -division of cytoplasm and cellular organelles (pinching off to form individual cells) Plant cells: grow a new cell plate built with proteins to form a new membrane) Result: mother cell splits in half to form 2 daughter cells Drawing the cell cycle

Friday, November 8, 2019

Elwyn Palmerton Essays - Nineteen Eighty-Four, Mass Surveillance

Elwyn Palmerton Essays - Nineteen Eighty-Four, Mass Surveillance Elwyn Palmerton 1984/ One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest How can one compare a novel about a mental ward with a novel which paints a bleak picture of an futuristic dystopia? In the case of Ken Kesey?s One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest and George Orwell?s 1984 the similarities are startling . Although they take place in vastly different times and settings, Ken Kesey and George Orwell were trying to express almost exactly the same theme. One Flew over the Cuckoo?s Nest uses a mental ward as a microcosm of the world and how he was afraid the world was becoming. 1984 uses the future a device to show what society could become. Both novels show how those in power can manipulate and enslave the masses. Nurse Ratched and Big Brother are very similar in the ways they present themselves and manipulate people. Nurse Ratched control her image so that she seems more powerful. She always wears the same neat smile which does not seem to crack under any kind of pressure. Even when Randle McMurphy is trying his best, he can hardly get her to flinch from that perfect, unmoving expression. She would also stand in her office behind the big glass window for hours at a time, emphasizing the fact that she is watching them. . Nurse Ratched leaves a book out and rewards the patients if they can get compromising information about someone else and write it down. Big Brother also is presented as an unmoving face which watches the people. Big Brother himself is never seen by the people who live in Oceania, but his presence is everywhere in the form of giant posters which are plastered everywhere with the caption "Big Brother is Watching". The picture on the poster is drawn so that the eye! s seem to follow anyone who is looking at the picture. Big Brother used the Youth League to get kids to spy on their parents to see if they were going against the Party. By turning their people against themselves it makes it very difficult for them to join together in any collective effort against the hospital or government policy. In both novels there is a place that no one wants to be sent to. It is a place they have heard about, but have not seen. In One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest there is also a room, it is called Electro-Shock Therapy or abbreviated as EST, but it is commonly known as the "Shock Shop." Randle McMurphy and Chief Bromden are both taken here and put on the table. Two electrodes are touched to the sides of their heads. One shock sends the "patient" into unconsciousness, only to awaken up a day or two later and to be in a semi-conscious stupor for several days. Thought criminals are punished in a way very similar to the mental patients. In 1984 this room is called Room 101. It lies deep within the Ministry of Justice. Winston Smith was brought to this room and strapped to a table. O?Brien turned a dial to a number between one and one hundred. The higher the pain, the higher degree of pain that Winston would experience. For more severe thought-crimes, or infractions of hospi! tal policy multiple sessions are prescribed. The societies presented are also run in very similar ways. The best example of this in One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest is when the patients want to switch the work time with the television watching time so that they can watch the World Series. The nurse prevents them from doing this even though there is no good reason for it. The patients are awakened by the lights being turned on every morning at the same time. Nurse Ratched plays the same music over and over in the day room where the patients spend their leisure time. She allowed her them to watch the six o? clock news as their only outlet for receiving news from the outside world. The Mental Ward and Oceania both have same rules. Winston Smith also can?t miss work or else he could be arrested by the Thought Police. Party members are awakened each day by the telescreens. The telescreens constantly play music, and the

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Criminal Justice Research Paper Writing Guide for the Bravest Students

Criminal Justice Research Paper Writing Guide for the Bravest Students Criminal justice is one of the most important academic disciplines in the faculty of social science. Enrolment in criminal justice studies keeps on increasing each year. In the year 2016, more than a hundred thousand students in the United States graduated with a degree/diploma in criminal justice. This number has steadily been increasing since 2010, which shows increased interest in the study of crime and criminal-related activities. There are different career paths in criminal justice. Some of the major areas in criminal justice include: Ideology and history:   criminology, the architecture of prisons, competition definitions of justice, Victims’ rights and families, restorative justice, reforms versus punishment among others. Life in prison: incarceration rates, recidivism, prisoner abuse, rehabilitation and education among others. Criminal justice and money: prison labor, private prisons, white-collar crime, and fraud and so on. Policies, procedure and laws: Three strike rules, mandatory sentencing, jury selection, and jury nullification. Race and racism: Racial profiling, White supremacy and hate crimes among others. Criminal justice and community: juvenile justice, activism among others. From the above topics, criminal justice covers every aspect that touches on our lives. As a criminal justice student, you must be able to understand these topics and emergent issues related to them. We can synthesize the topics listed above and understand ways in which they affect us is by conducting a research study. Research studies are the heart of any academic discipline. The main reason why we spend time analyzing different issues that affect our lives in the society is to develop better interventions that can help address them. Criminal justice research studies enable us to acutely understand the problem and develop positive solutions. In several occasions, your instructor will ask you to write a criminal justice research paper that comprehensively discusses a problem. You need positive skills on how to prepare, organize and write an effective criminal justice research paper in order to pass the course. It is important to point out that a research paper is different from other types of writing such as a term paper or an essay. This piece offers you a step-by-step guide on how to write a criminal justice research paper the best way possible. Purpose of Writing a Research Paper in Criminal Justice Studies First, it is important to outline some of the reasons why you should take your research paper seriously. Writing a research paper serves important purposes in the field of criminal justice. Below are some of the reasons for writing a criminal justice research paper: Solving a Mystery: As previously explained, the field of criminal justice is full of unsolved problems. Not so much is known about why people commit a crime or the underlying reasons why some children from some certain social backgrounds are more predisposed to criminal acts than others. You get to solve these mysteries when you write a research paper. In other words, you want to provide answers to questions that you and other people including the law enforcers have concerning different issues. Sharing â€Å"Intelligence†: You will be hearing the phrase â€Å"sharing intelligence† more often than you think in your career as a law-enforcer. It simply means that you distribute the information or insight you have about an issue with the rest of the criminal justice system. This is exactly what you are expected to do during your academic research work. You write research papers to share what you have discovered about a criminal justice issue with the rest of the world. For instance, you may need to share your ideas and suggestions on the issue of the death penalty or child pornography with the relevant policy-makers in order to guide them on their decision-making process. We can only know about what you think about an issue through your research papers. Earn Grades: Writing a research paper is a prerequisite condition for earning grades in criminal justice studies. Your professor needs to assess you based on your ability to identify and synthesize a problem and articulately present a solution. It is necessary to get the results right for better grades. Pre-Writing Tips Reflect: Before you embark on writing, you must take some time and reflect. Try to think of the purpose of the research and the value it seeks to bring to you as a criminal justice professional. Besides earning the grades, you should appreciate the broader purpose of your research paper. Reflect on questions like: who would benefit from my research paper? How would it solve a social problem and make the society a better place? Brainstorm: In this case, brainstorming is different from reflection. Reflection is more about looking at the bigger purpose of the activity and relating it to your personal and professional objectives. On the other hand, brainstorming is topic-based. You should endeavor to brainstorm about the topic and the research question that you have while taking notes. If you are discussing the influence of the prison systems on individual behaviors, attempt to write the random ideas that come to your mind down.   This will help in your proceeding research writing steps. Consult: Understand and appreciate the fact that no one is a custodian of knowledge. The problem you wish to solve may have been elusive for a long time. You need ideas and suggestions from different people. Be humble enough to seek support from your professors, peers and even external sources such as lawyers, security consultants and others. Research: A research paper requires an extensive exploration of issues that surround the research question. You must consult different primary and secondary sources. Select the databases that have the most relevant information that relates to the topic you intend to explore. Format and Structure The number of components in a criminal justice research paper may vary depending on the nature of the study. However, most research paper often includes the introduction, literature review, findings, discussion, conclusion and recommendations. The introduction contains the general background of the problem, the research question, research objectives, purpose of the study and thesis statement. In the literature review section, you are expected to report on and discuss the findings of different past empirical studies. Try to show how scholars argue and counter-argue on the research problem. Methodology section specifies the data collection methods, research design participants among other element. The findings sections comprise the results of your study. Include what you have discovered from the review of the literature and from the primary sources. The discussion includes the interpretation of the findings as well as implications. The conclusion and recommendation section recaps on the research problem, the thesis statement and summarizes the findings before suggesting the way forward. Steps in Research Writing Process: How Our Writers Work on Criminal Justice Research Papers Developing your paper from a folder of brainstormed ideas to a fully polished research paper requires a critical attention to different aspects. It is important to point out that not every criminal justice research paper are the same. However, they all follow a similar process that begins by choosing a topic and ends in editing and proofreading the final copy. The steps include: Choosing a suitable topic; Planning and schedule how to research and write the paper; Conducting an extensive research; Organizing the data collected; Drafting your research paper; Editing and proofreading the paper. Step One: Choosing a Topic Do not forget the importance of a research topic in any research paper that you will ever write in criminal justice. Your professor will spend as much as they want on rejecting your topic until you get it right. You need a topic that is relevant, appropriate and researchable. The aim of your research is to identify a problem, analyze it and suggests solutions. This implies that your topic must be linked to the research question that you have. As previously noted, criminal justice is a wide area of study with numerous topics to research on. Do not limit yourself when developing a topic. Frame your research question in a way that allows you to classify in a broader system of topics. Some of the topics you can focus on include: Gang identify Cybercrime Police brutality Political prisoners Drug war Death penalty Sexual crimes Domestic violence Immigration issues Civil rights Censorship Step Two: Planning and Scheduling Scientific research studies are often tentative. You must take your time and plan well on how you will go about the whole process. Take your time and develop a research plan and schedule that will guide on how to collect the required data, analyze and write the research paper. The reason for this scheduling is because you do not need to be overwhelmed with a lot of work when the deadline approaches. You need to allocate enough time for every activity to ensure that you meet all your objectives. You should also organize the tools and resources that you will require to complete your research process. For instance, you should state when and where you would conduct your consultations. Research projects in criminal justice may run for weeks or even months. This means you may need to organize yourself for the daunting task. Tip: Allocate adequate time for demanding tasks. Step Three: Conducting Research Unlike essays or term papers, a research paper requires â€Å"hard evidence†. You must understand that your opinion may only matter if it is supported by facts. You need to go out and find these facts and evidence to support your arguments. You will most likely use primary and secondary sources. These may include books, journals, research reports, periodical, news articles, and interviews among others. Be careful to include only those that are credible and authoritative. The primary sources should provide your research with first-hand data. For instance, your interview with an inmate may present real-life experiences in prisons. In most cases, surveys are used in criminal justice research studies because they are convenient and guarantee confidentiality. Tip: Try to evaluate the reliability and credibility of your sources. The credibility of your research paper is likely to be compromised if the sources you use are fake or unreliable. Step Four: Organizing Research Data and Findings The work is not done until you have noted down the findings in an organized manner in your paper. You will need to decide which sources you should include in your paper. You will also be required to evaluate the information you have acquired and determine whether they support your hypothesis. Depending on what you deem right, you may decide to modify your thesis or conduct more research to find evidence that supports your position. Tip: You should not stick to the initial thesis that you set in the beginning if the evidence you have contradicts it. Be free to change your thesis until the evidence you have positively supports it. It would wrong to attempt to force the evidence you collected to fit your thesis. Step Five:   Drafting your Research Paper Once you have completed step 4 above, you are now ready to bring together your research findings with your critical analysis in your first draft. Use the data and arguments by scholars in previous studies to develop your thesis. It is important that you discuss each source in detail and properly cite them as you try to support your thesis. Do not forget to adhere to the standard conventions when citing your sources. For most criminal justice papers, your lecturer will often ask you to use the American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. However, this does not mean you cannot have instances where you are required to use other conventions like MLA or Harvard styles. Tip: Never forget to properly acknowledge every source from where you obtained an idea. Plagiarism is a very serious academic and legal offense! Step 6: When you are done writing, edit and proofread! You do not want to submit a research paper that has information you are not aware of. To ensure your idea, findings and arguments are well reflected in the paper, proofread. You need to take at least an hour after drafting the paper before you revisit it. You may also divide the proofreading sessions into three. The first may involve going through the introduction. In the second session, you may need to handle the main body and the last session you edit the conclusion and recommendations. It is necessary to share the paper with a friend or classmate for purposes of peer review. Key Takeaways from Our Writing Experts: Research papers are very important in the criminal justice studies. You need to write research papers for academic and professional purposes. Writing a research paper involves six fundamental steps. It begins with choosing a topic and ends in proofreading the final work. A research paper may have different parts depending on the nature of the study. However, the common ones involve introduction, literature review, findings, discussion, conclusion, and recommendations.